Seasonal Sadness

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Lily's 6th year at Hogwarts was fine at first but she realized something in that dream she had about Her and Cedric getting into a car crash,she remembers the unknown voice saying her name,she thinks it was her mother but why would her mother scream her name,is it James Potter saying his wife's name,Harry saying his mom's name,she questioned it for so long,that she didn't go to class one day because of this mysterious voice and also trying to help Draco about the death eater gang and that shit,she didn't have to help Draco but she did,NOW it's October 14th 1996,two years after Lily and Cedric got together.

*at the Slytherin table*
Pansy: Blaise,just shut up
Blaise: Why? Am I just to funny *insert very funny joke here*
Pansy: Draco,You alright?
Draco: Yea Pansy,I'm fine
(Ok if you remember "The Hitlist" chapter you know about seeing the future thing my so this will happen right about now)
Lily sees the death eater mark on someone arm,thinking it's hers
Lily: Sorry guys,I got to go
Pansy & Draco: Ok Bye
Lily runs to the bathroom
Lily: Ok Calm down Lily,everything is going to be fine
Theseus enters (read the story about Theseus on my stories)
Lily: Theseus,I haven't seen you,since the third task
Theseus: I know
Lily: What are you doing here
Theseus: Just dropping of this,You should read it it's from your grandfather
Lily: Then,Give it to me
Theseus leaves and Lily reads it
Lily: Seriously,It's from Cedric

Hey Lily,Hope your doing well today because it's our 2 year anniversary,It feels weird because we aren't together,but I got you something in the package and your welcome by the way,so hows school been have you been studying,do you have good grades,do you have nice friends,I'm started to sound like my father but I love you,hopefully I can see you over Christmas break.
Love From Cedric

Lily: Well better open the package
She opens the package and find Cedric's favorite sweater and his quidditch jersey
Lily: Well better,put this in my room and get back to the Slytherin table
Lily puts it away in her room and checks the time,she has to go to potions class
She go's to class and well stuff happens
Slughorn: So what is a *love potion name here*
Hermione: The strongest love potion in the world
Slughorn:It doesn't create actual love it tells you who you love through smell
Now it's Lily's turn to sniff
Slughorn: Ms.Riddle am I correct
Lily: Yes Sir
Slughorn: Tell us what you smell
Lily: I smell Quidditch brooms,Sweat,and cologne
Lily realized it wasn't Cedric,but it was Andrew (Andrew was in his last year) and lily quickly ran off to the bathroom
Slughorn: Miss Granger,Can you please get Miss Riddle
Hermione: Yes Sir
Hermione runs to the girls bathroom
Hermione: Lily,what happened
Lily: That wasn't Cedric I was smelling,it was Andrew HIS BEST FUCKING FRIEND
Hermione: Siriusly Lily
Lily: Oh shut up Hermione
Hermione: Honestly,You should tell Cedric about this
Lily: Are you stupid?
Hermione: What ever

(Author note) Guys I can't keep writing this long part so I'm just gonna go to the next story

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