The Start of a New Page

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(This part is based of the books not films)September 1st,Cedric would start his final year as Head Boy and Lily as a Mom and Slytherin Prefect,on the train there they sat with Harry
Harry: Lily,I thought you're a prefect
Lily: I am but I have a child
Harry: Wait since when
Cedric: Since 4 days ago
Harry: Let me see

(Honestly isn't this baby adorable anyway)Harry: That is adorable Cedric: I know Lily: He has your eyes CedCedric: Lily,I'm not falling for that again,I know he has two different color eyes Harry: Green and Gray eyesOver train speaker,We are now a...

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(Honestly isn't this baby adorable anyway)
Harry: That is adorable
Cedric: I know
Lily: He has your eyes Ced
Cedric: Lily,I'm not falling for that again,I know he has two different color eyes
Harry: Green and Gray eyes
Over train speaker,We are now at Hogsmeade please get your luggage out of the train
Cedric: Well Harry I shall see you at dinner
Harry: You too

Lily Weasley and Her love storyWhere stories live. Discover now