Lily gives birth

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August 27th started out normal for Cedric and Lily then things took a turn
12:28 pm The Diggory Residency as Cedric and Amos were out gettin school supplies for Cedric's 7th/Last year and Lily's 5th year,they come home to something falling upstairs
Cedric: Lily
Lily: Yea
Cedric: You alright
Lily: Yea
Cedric runs up to Lily
Lily: Thanks
Lily's water breaks,they both realize what's happening
Cedric: Dad get the car ready
Amos: Why?
Cedric: Cause I'm becoming a father
They get in the car and drive to the hospital quickly with Fred and George on top of the car invisible
At the hospital
Lily screams because she in labor
Cedric: Come on Lily,Just push
The Child comes out and the stuff happens after someone give birth they take the baby,all that stuff
Later 1:34 pm
Lily: I'm glad that thing is out of me
Cedric smiles and chuckles a bit
Doctor: Here is your baby,Wait Lily
Lily: Ma'am,you know me
Doctor: Yes I delivered you
Lily: Oh,that's why
Doctor: Well anyway here is your child
Lily: Thank you
Doctor: No problem
She leaves
Cedric: What are we going to name him
Lily: Well I already named him,Lorenzo
Cedric: What's his full name
Lily: Lorenzo Forge Weasley
Cedric: Is Forge,Fred and George
Lily: Yea

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