The Last Task

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June 24th,Saturday Afternoon The day of the last task As the Champions Harry Potter,Cedric Diggory,
French girl idk how to spell,And Viktor Krum,as Harry and Cedric walk in first followed by French girl then Viktor about an hour later this happens
Death eaters break into the stand shooting spells at kids & Teacher the death eaters grabbed Lily and teleported her to the grave yard looking at Voldemort
Lily: Hello Grandfather
Voldemort: Hello Lily glad seeing you again your friends will be here soon
Cedric and Harry are teleported here
Harry: Cedric get back to the cup
Cedric: Why Harry
Voldemort: Hello Harry glad seeing you back and you brought a friends
Harry: Voldemort
Cedric: It can't be
Voldemort: Cedric I guess,you are the father of my granddaughter's child
Cedric: Wait You're Lily's Grandfather
Voldemort: Yes,She was adopted by the Weasleys after her moms death ,We dyed her hair and changed her eye color
Cedric's face went pale
Lily: It would ruin everything between us
Harry: What is your real name
Lily: Elena Snape-Riddle
Harry and Cedric had shock on their faces
Harry: Your Snape's daughter
Cedric fell and whimpered in pain
Lily pulled out her wand AVADA KEDAVRA
Peter was now dead
Lily,Cedric,And Harry all went to the portkey
Right as Malfoy (Not Draco) screamed CRUCIO
The spell had hit one of them
When they got back The teachers all went around them
Dumbledore: What happened
Harry: Voldemort he's back
Everyone went silent
Lily Holding all her tears in being hit with Spell Crucio and seeing her grandfather back alive
Cat lady: Lily are you ok
(Cat lady is Mcgonagall)
Lily was to terrified to speak
Lily screaming in pain with the curse
Hermione came over Lily!!! She yelled
Everyone muttered and Cedric,Harry and Lily were all taken to the hospital
The next day
Madam Pomfey: Well Lily the spell could have hurt you child but luckily it didn't
Lily: Thank you for telling me that *in head* thank god
Madam Pomfey: No problem dear,Have you looked at the time,I'll see you guys later
She leaves
Lily: Guys I'm sorry for lying about who I really am
Cedric: It's ok Lily,I still love you
Harry rolled his eyes,I guess I forgive you
A few days later It's day they leave school and everyone says goodbye to the teacher and other friends
On the the train ride home Cedric,Lily,Hermione,Harry,Ron,and Draco are in one cart
Cedric: Wait Lily you're telling me Draco and Harry are dating,but isn't Draco a pure blood and Harry a half blood
Lily: Yes Cedric,and I bet Ron and Hermione are next
Ron: Bloody hell Lily,No
Lily laughs
Lily: Trust me Ron
Ron: Well anyway,What's the baby's name
Lily: Idk Fred,George or Lorenzo
Ron: And not after me
Lily: No offense Ron but Ronald is not good enough
Lily: Let's just talk about something else
At 9 3/4
Cedric: Well Lily that was a fantastic year with you with me
Lily: I could say the same
Cedric: So I was wondering if you could ask your parents to stay at my place fore the baby since it was November and When you got pregnant which will be Early September or Late August
Lily: Oh Ced I don't ask I just tell
Cedric: Really
Lily: Yea
Cedric: Well then go tell them
Now Lily is staying at Cedric's house (it isn't that far from The Burrow

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