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June 18th 1996 (When Sirius dies also battle of the department of mysteries) Harry, Ron,Hermione,Neville,Ginny,Luna,Draco,and Lily all broke in to the Ministry of Magic and went to the Department of mysteries
Draco: Harry,come on
Harry: Hold on Draco
Lucius: Well-Well-Well Mr Potter
Harry: Hello Mr Malfoy
Draco holds Harry hand
Lucius: Draco,let go of Mr Potter's hand
Bellatrix enters
Lily: Well Hello Bella
Bellatrix: Hello Elena,nice to see you
Lily: Nice to see you too
Lucius: Lily,would you mind telling me about Draco and Harry
Draco: Tell him
Lily: Well first Ginny
Ginny: Reducto
The death eaters all get blasted away
Neville: Guys we need to run away
Luna: Agreed
Lily: Harry get the orb thing
Harry gets the orb thing and they all run eventually running into the ditch the lights go dark and Lily and Draco are left near the place Sirius eventually dies
Lily: Draco
Draco: Yes
Lily: Go get Harry
Draco: Ok
Lucius: Lily I expect for you to give me the prophecy
Sirius: No *punches Lucius*
The duel starts (it was original was Harry and Sirius fight but it's now Lily and Sirius)
Lily: Sirius Move
Sirius moves and it hits one of the death eater whom was holding Hermione
Sirius: Nice one James
Lily: I'm not James but whatever
The duel continues eventually Lucius puts his wand against Draco's neck and Harry tries to save him but gets knocked back
Sirius: Lily go help Draco and Harry
Lily: Ok
Lily shoots the stunning spell at Lucius and Draco runs to Harry
Lily: Draco,Harry get everyone out,Me and Sirius will defend them
Harry and Draco: Ok
Later like 10 minutes
Lily: Sirius we need to go
Sirius: Ok
Lily and Sirius flee quickly to see Harry getting possessed (I forgot what Harry said but I'll be making up lines for what he said)
Harry: You've lost Albus
Dumbledore: Harry you're possessed,Lily can you do something
Lily: Yes
Lily uses her ✨mind control✨to undo Voldy's mind control Harry
Ministry on Magic workers & Fudge walk in on the fight
Fudge: Arrest him
Lily: You're not taking Dumbledore away from us,Fudge say that Voldemort is back
Fudge: F-F-F-Fine

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