The New DaDa Teacher

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As Everyone makes their way into the great hall,Dumbledore gets up and makes his speech
Dumbledore: This year is very different from others,As we welcome our new DADA Teacher Dolores Umbridge,The New students at Hogwarts,New Prefects and Two new parents,Cedric Diggory and Lily Weasley.
Everyone claps
Lily whispers to Cedric "Thank god Lorenzo is asleep"
Lily got to her table,She sits next to Draco
Draco: Well isn't he cute
Lily: Yea,He's cuter when he's awake
Draco: What color are his eyes
Lily: It's very Rare,but he has one Grey and one Green
Draco: *chuckles a bit* both of the two rarest eye colors in one child
Lily: Yea,what hair color do you expect him to be
Draco: I'd say Brown,curly like his father
As Dinner ends Cedric and Lily meet up with each other
Cedric: So,How has Lorenzo been,still sleeping?
Lily: Well he has been asleep the entire feast *Lorenzo gets up*
Cedric: Now he's awake
(*Im calling Lorenzo,Enzo for times sake*)
Enzo: *Newborn Noises*
Cedric gets closer to "la baby"
Lily: Ced back off,He obviously likes me more
Cedric: He's been alive for 4 DAYS,4!
Lily: Ced,Calm down
Cedric: Well then give me,my child
Lily: But I want him
Cedric: Lily,You held him for the 4 days he has been alive
Lily: But,He's mine
Cedric: Lily,I made him too,If intercourse never happened between me and you,he would have never been BORN.
Lily: Fine take him
Cedric grabs "la baby"
Cedric: Aww look his tiny face
Enzo: *baby noises*
Lily smiles
September 4th,Monday First Class (I'm using the books and a calendar for these dates) As Cedric & Lily are walking down the hallway,a fight breaks out between Ron & Seamus  
Lily: Guys what happened
Ron: "Bloody stupid people like Lily will have very stupid kids"
Lily slaps Seamus
Lily:  Don't insult me or Lorenzo again
Seamus: Ok ok
They leave and walk to their classes
Lily: Bye Ced
Cedric: Bye *kisses*
Lily walks into the classroom
Lily: That's weird I'm the only one here
Snape: Well hello Elena
Lily: Hello father
Snape: How dare you call me that
Lily: What I thought we were calling each other are real names
Snape: That was an arranged marriage
Lily: But you decided to leave me alone,then mom died leaving me with the Weasley's
Snape: Anyway stop talking,people will be coming
Everyone comes in
Snape: Welcome to your first class of the year,today we will be learning about Deflating Draught,The ingredients are listed on a paper.
*On the Paper*
Water (500 mL)
Wood sorrel (whole; a handful)
sagebrush (whole; a handful)
aloe (fresh; 10 drops)
galangal (powdered; 5g)
*end of page*
Snape: Now can someone tell me what Deflating Draught is for
Hermione raises her hand
Snape: Miss Granger
Hermione: A potion that caused anything swollen by magical means to shrink back to normal size
Snape: Correct Miss Granger,Now get to work everyone
They all get to work
*time skip* 1 hour later class ends,Lily and Cedric meet up with each other
Cedric: So how was potions
Lily: Fine,How was DADA with the new teacher
Cedric: Stupid,She said something like "Why would you ever need to use spells"
Lily: If I were you I'd smack her across the face
Cedric: *chuckles* anyway what is your next class
Lily: Hold on it down on a piece of paper
She pulls out the paper
*on the paper*
5th year classes (In order every day but Thursday)
History of Magic
(Thursday classes)
Ancient runes
Care of Magical Creatures
Muggle studies
*end of paper*
Cedric: Darn it,We only have Charms together
Lily: Cedric it's ok
Cedric: Lily it's not,I barely have anyway classes with you out of the whole year
Lily: Cedric,It's fine we still meet up with each other after classes,we hang out on weekends,holidays,over summer break,and more possible ways
Cedric: Fine
They go to charm blah blah blah,Lily is now at DADA (Harry is fighting with umbitch)
Bitchy: Who would ever want to hurt kids
Harry: I don't know Voldemort
Bitchy: How dare you Mr Potter,Using his name in my class
Harry: he's back I know I saw him
BITCHY: And was it just you
Harry: 2 more,1 in this class
Bitchy: And whom is that
Lily: Me
Bitchy: Well the what did you see
Lily: Well I barely saw anything,first I FUCKING MURDERED SOMEONE,Second I got hit by the Cruciatus Curse,Third I was pregnant
Bitchy: Well that is a lie nobody would do that to a child
Lily: Bitch I saw in front of my own eyes
Bitchy: No cussing in this classroom
Lily: Ok whatever Asshole
Bitchy: Ms Weasley You shall not be cussing in this class
Bitchy: Who do you think you are
Lily: Really we are gonna start this
Bitchy: Yes
Lily: Well my real name Elena
Bitchy: Last name
Lily: Snape-Riddle
Seamus: It can't be
Lily: It's true Seamus
Bitchy: Ms Weasley I must not tell lies
Blood starts dripping from Lily's arm
Lily: Again does it look like I care

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