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You have finally reached the mall. Getting out of the car you walked towards the mall entering. Your family followed you. Your two cousins were clinging onto you fangirling their imaginary brother-in-law whome they have not even met.

Ishita: Oh my god what if he is super duper handsome to not handle!!? I might pass out there only. I have to keep practicing to fall nicely so that he will come and catch me!! Wah!! What a romantic move!!

Mira: Wait!! What if his friend is more handsome than him!!! Wah!! Then I will set myself with him!!

Ishit: No no if his friend will be more handsome then I will marry him and love him my entiiiiiireee life.

Y/n: He doesn't have friends.

You said coldly walking past them.

Ishita: What!!? How can someone not have friends!!??

Mira: Right!! Shit!! I thought he will have lots of friends just like in fictions.

Ishita: You just dive in your fictions.

Y/n's mom: Will you two stop fangirling imaginary Jimin~~??

Ishita: Aunt~~

They soon reached the wedding essential section on the second floor.

Coming out of the elevator, Y/n's mother dialed on her phone, making a ring to Jimin's mom to know in which shop they are.

Y/n's mom: Ok ok we will come there quickly. Yes yes.

Ending the call she led them to a shop of wedding dresses. The shop was well lit. The dresses were standing out looking beautiful. There was no dress which you would not like but everyone wants to choose the best for them. Walking in further they finally spot Jimin and his family waiting for them. They quickly rushed to them and greeted them. While they were talking and checking out dresses for Y/n, Mira and Ishita were lost seeing Jimin sitting and talking on the call for business purpose. Y/n looked at them and nudged their elbow making them startled. They looked at her and gave her an expression of 'What'. She shared her head slightly as a no and told them to look in front and focus on the shopping. They roamed around the shop. Not so long after Y/n also got busy with her work talking and explaining the work and projects to her employees and what not.

Mr. Rude's Mrs. Cute WifeDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora