A date

8 1 0

It was early morning when you were woken up by a loud screeching sound. It made you jolted up and sit on the bed with eyes wide open like a plate. You look at the owner of that annoying scream which spoiled your beauty sleep just now.  You found your two most dearest cousins smiling weirdly which made you act like vomiting.

Ishita: Yah! Stop making that face.
Y/n: Why are you here?
Mira: To wake you.
Y/n: It's still early.

You checked the time on the clock and it ticked early 6:15.

Y/n: It's only 6:15 now. I usually wake up at 6:45 or nearby it. And wait! How did YOU two woke up this early. You never wake up before 8.
Ishita: It's just a little date we have planned.
Y/n: What date?

You asked frowning your eyebrows.

Mira: A date with your soon to be husband.
Y/n: Why?
Mira: So that you will get to know each other!!
Y/n: I don't need to know him. I don't care what he likes and dislikes.
Ishita: Aish!! Be little fun. Now go and get ready. We have choosen a dress for you, go and wear it. We will also do your makeup. No go go and dont waste your time. He will come at 8.
Y/n: You people-

They didn't let you complete your sentence and pulled you up from the bed and pushed you inside the bathroom. Slamming it shut loudly and locking it so you won't come out and brag about the date.

A date with Jimin? Hmm let's see how he is in these topics or he will just leave me alone and do work. ....... You thought

Mr. Rude's Mrs. Cute WifeTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang