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Hello everyone!! I know you must be very sand and angry with me and some might have even forgotten me. Well I am the writer of this account. I am really sorry for the inconvenience occured, but I have my final exams now and I have been preparing for it since the start of february. I have not even posted in my YouTube and Instagram. But as soon as my exams are over, I will upload and bombard all of my stories so you will not even get time to complete reading once. I have lots of stories so enchanting but I don't have time to write, however I have completed my syllabus so I might post on the last day of my exam only. I will try really hard for exams and after that I will be free from all the stress and assignments and exams!! Well best of luck to those who have exams now or the next month. Hehe 😅😅. Have a nice day. Study smartly and keep everything in your mind so that you don't regret later. You can stop reading the stories now but the exams are only for going to happen now and that too final exams. Please don't let yourself be scramming at the last second of your exams and then regret later. Please study, even I have regretted alot letting study go as a joke. And I regret now but I am trying to make it up. I used to be once the topper for 7 consecutive years of my school life but suddenly I am not. And I am studying to the core so that I will see tears on my haters who thought I will not get the first rank with highest percentage. I want you all to do the same.

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