"SHUT UP!" I screamed.

The demigods looked at me confused while Chiron looked thankful.

"Do you know how stupid you sound? He's helping you and you're complaining about the work. You don't hear him complaining about all of the work he's doing to make sure you all survive. The people who killed him in more ways than one. Think about that when you complain about how much working out you're doing," I said calmly.

"So? We don't need nor want your help," Marcus said boldly.

Zoe spoke up before I could, "You don't want help from the person who knows YOUR enemies. You don't want help from the person trying to help with your pathetic skills?"

"If we're being completely honest with you, if we were to leave you'd be dead. It's the only reason we're here in the first place," Beckendorf added.

"Yeah. I mean coming back here was the last thing any of us wanted," Silena said.

"The least you could do is respect the fact that we're trying to help you. Respect us and more importantly respect the person that's putting their life on the line for you again," Bianca said before walking away with the rest of us following.

We walked into the cabin and looked around for Neander. This is one of the few times I wish it was smaller. After looking around for twenty minutes, we went to the living room to sit down.

"Well, he's not here. So what do we do?" Bianca asked.

"We give him time to unwind. This is taking a toll on him worse than it is on us. Sure, we might have done some bad things or disappointed people but they hurt him in a way that shouldn't have been possible," Beckendorf said.

The day dragged on and by dinner, we still hadn't seen him. We went to eat and waited for him to show up. Halfway through Nico came to our table and sat down.

"Hi, little brother," Bianca greeted.

"Hey. Are you guys okay?" Nico asked.

"Yeah. We just haven't seen Neander since he walked out of breakfast," Silena sighed.

"You haven't seen my brother since when?" Gaea asked.

I turned around to see a livid Gaea with Nyx. Everyone got quiet and looked at them.

Nyx turned to look at me, her eyes cold. Uh oh.

"Luke, where is my brother?" she asked.

"Why does everyone always ask me," I asked.

"You're two peas in a pod," she answered.

I sighed, "I don't know. I haven't seen him since he left after telling the demigods about their new training schedule."

Nyx nodded.

"We have to find him before more people find out," Gaea said.

"Before more people find out what?" Chaos asked.

"We're dead," I whispered.

Chaos looked around at everyone, "Where is Neander?" he asked.

Chaos looked at me and I gulped.

"Luke, you had better tell me where my son is and quick," he said darkly.

"How am I supposed to know?" I asked exasperated.

"You always know. Speak before you find a one-way ticket to planet 865."

"We haven't seen him since breakfast," Zoe answered for me.

An explosion took place in Chaos' eyes.

"Um. I think you just blew up a planet," I said quietly.

"Find him. ALL of you," he said before disappearing.

End popped up next.

"Why do you all look like you saw a ghost," he asked.

"Chaos is angry," Bianca muttered.

"What did you and Neander do?" he sighed looking at me. Again. Seriously?

"It wasn't me. Neander is missing and we can't find him," I said.

"Did you try looking for something tall? He likes climbing things especially when he's upset," End suggested.

I facepalmed. Of course. The Pine Tree. The team, Gaea, Nyx, and I thanked him before running to the hill. Like End suggested, Percy was in the tree sleeping with the twins.

"NEANDER," Nyx screamed.

Neander yelped as he fell out of the tree. He got the twins and sent them somewhere. I helped him up and we headed back to dinner where End and Chaos were waiting.

"How many times have we told you to tell someone when you're leaving? We don't need another Tartarus situation," Chaos scolded.

"I'm fine dad," he muttered.

"But what if something happens and you're not?" End asked.

"I'll tell you when I'm going somewhere. Can I go now?" he asked.

Chaos sighed and nodded.

"Make sure he doesn't overwork himself for the next few weeks. And make him eat. Even if you have to strap him to the table," Chaos said and left.

"Good luck, Luke," End said before leaving too.

"Again, why me?" I asked offended.

"You'll have a better chance," Gaea said, leaving also.

"Good luck future brother-in-law," Nyx whispered before leaving.

I blushed and choked. The others looked at me weirdly while Silena had a smirk on her face. How does she always know?

"I'm going to go check on Neander," I said.

I ran back to the cabin and headed to his room. When I walked in, he was sleeping with half his bed covered in papers like a blanket. The other half was cleared and twins were sleeping peacefully, cuddled up to him. I sighed and left the room. Hopefully, things will get better as I said.

* Percy Jackson: Son of Chaos and OrderWhere stories live. Discover now