He shouldn't have.

He knocked on the door and waited excitedly for his mom or Paul to answer.

"Percy," Sally said surprised.

Percy looked at his mom equally as surprised, "You're pregnant? How-how could you not tell me?"

"I wanted to. I really did, but I didn't want them to be in danger with all of the monsters after you."

"All I bring is danger and problems right?" he asked.

"That's not what I meant," Sally tried to say.

"Sally, who's at the door?" Paul asked.

When he saw Percy he grimaced a bit, "Percy. It's nice to see that you're okay."

"I'm sure it is," Percy said sarcastically.

"I'm sorry Percy. We just don't want this baby to get mixed up in the godly world as you did," Sally said as carefully as possible.

"It's fine. I'm sorry that all I bring is pain and danger. I hope your new kids are the perfect and safe kids you always wanted," he told them and walked away ignoring their calls after him.

Percy walked down the street trying to ignore the pain he felt all over his body. He continued to walk around for a bit before heading back to camp.

The son of Zeus turned around him. He would steal and destroy other people's property then blame it on Percy. He would say things to someone and tell them Percy told him, and much more. Percy was soon alienated from the other campers. If any of them saw Percy, they would throw things at him, hit him, or call him names. He said nor did anything about it. But this was breaking him. Slowly but surely.

Today was his and Annabeth's date night. He was excited. He hadn't been spending time with Annabeth because of her working at Olympus. He had asked the Olympians about merging the two camps so that the Romans and Greeks would be safer. Annabeth was in charge of seeing how things would work. But, today was supposed to be all about them. He wanted to go to the beach a couple of hours earlier so that he could work on a picnic and swim for a while. Percy manipulated the water in the air to turn himself invisible and headed for the beach.

When he was almost to his spot on the beach, he heard what sounded like giggles. Thinking he would find some campers hanging out, he kept going.

He should have turned around.

He walked around the corner and felt his heart drop. Annabeth and Marcus were sitting on a log making out. Losing his concentration, Percy was turned visible and stumbled back. He snapped a tree branch drawing the attention of the other two. Annabeth had a shocked look on her face while Marcus smirked.

"Percy. Let me explain. It's not what you think," Annabeth said.

Percy shook his head and ran off. He ran and hid in his cabin until dinner. When dinner came, the campers were shouting threats and rude comments at Percy while he sat there looking at his food. There was a bright flash and the Olympians plus Hestia and Hades were there. Apollo, Hades, Hestia, and Artemis gave Percy looks of sympathy and regret. The other gods looked angry, stoic, or happy (*cough cough* Ares and Zeus *cough cough*).

"Demigods. It has come to our attention by my son Marcus, that we have a traitor in our midst. And that traitor is none other than Perseus Jackson," Zeus announced triumphantly.

Percy looked down and tried to keep the tears from the pain away. He was trying to get breaths in but couldn't. He felt like he was suffocating. Apollo looked at Percy worriedly but before he could do or say anything, Poseidon stepped forward.

"I, Poseidon, herby disown Perseus Jackson as my son."

Percy couldn't handle it and a cry from him. Artemis, Hades, Hestia, and Apollo ran to him. They looked over him worriedly before pulling up the sleeves of his sweatshirt. They saw the blue veins in his arms and gasped.

"What's happening to him?" Artemis asked, slightly panicked.

"He's dying. I can feel it," Hades answered grimly.

"His fatal flaw is killing him," Hestia informed them.

"The only thing I can do is take the pain away," Apollo said sadly.

"Step away from the boy. Perseus Jackson is banished to Tartarus for his crimes," Zeus announces.

Percy stood him shakily and glared at them.

"After everything I've done for you. Risking my life and doing all kinds of stupid things, just so you can be safe and happy. All it takes is one person for you to betray me. I'm dying anyway so just kill me," Percy said standing in front of Zeus and his father.

Zeus smirked and opened a hole in the ground right under Percy, sending him straight to Tartarus.

"Do you know what you've done?" Nico asked deathly calmly, sending chills down their spines.

"You just destroyed the one person that was there for all of us even when we've done wrong. The person who helped us without asking any questions or for anything in return," Thalia said equally as calm.

"Don't expect him to come back to you because he won't. He'll probably be dead. His fatal flaw was loyalty. He'd die before he betrayed his family," Leo said and walked away, Nico and Thalia following.

~ Meanwhile ~

Percy crashed into Tartarus. Every breath he took hurt. He couldn't move and didn't want to. He just wanted the pain to end. He was ready to die if it would take him away from the pain. Right before his eyes closed, Percy saw a portal open and two people stepping out. 

* Percy Jackson: Son of Chaos and OrderWhere stories live. Discover now