Journey to Pembroke Territory Part 2

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The Howard carriage enters Essex Territory and at the border of Wessex and Essex Territory waiting is Lord David William Beck, Earl of Essex Territory wearing his coronet and he walks over to the Howard carriage and he bows and says " Welcome to Essex Territory Lord Andrew Charles and Lady Karissa."

"Thank you Kindly, Lord David William." Lady Karissa tells him.

"I think you know Lord Richard William Carey, Lord Frederick William Howard III and Lord Thomas William Howard." Lady Karissa asks him.

"I do, Lady Karissa. Welcome gentlemen to Essex Territory. I don't govern Essex out of Chartley Manor but White-Hall the home of my late mother Lady Eliza Katherine Howard." Lord David William tells them.

"I have suites ready for all of you at White-Hall Manor." Lord David William states.

Lord David William Beck gets in his carriage and he leads the entourage to White-Hall Manor.

White-Hall Manor is the childhood home of Lady Eliza Katherine Howard and it once belonged to his late grandmother, Lady Penelope Rich nee Devereux."

Lady Penelope Devereux is the great-great-granddaughter of Lord Richard Devereux and Lady Dorothy Hastings, and she was the eldest child of theirs and she inherited her father title and property on Essex Territory but when she married a second time to Lord Edwin William Howard. The title didn't transfer to him and it would pass onto their daughter, Lady Eliza Katherine Howard but she died and it was bequeathed to Lord David William Beck by his great-Uncle, Lord Charles Andrew Howard JR.

Lord David William Beck is greeted by the townspeople of Essex as he leads the Howard carriage east to White-Hall Manor.

Lady Karissa asks the carriage to stop so she meet some of the townspeople and Lord David William is pleased that she wants too and he gets out his carriage and walks over and he bows and Lord Richard William Carey helps Lady Karissa to step out of the carriage and with Lord David William Beck and Lord Richard William Carey by her side Lady Karissa, Lord David William and Lord Richard William Carey walk to meet and greet the people of Essex Territory.

People greet them and they give Lady Karissa bouquets of flowers and she accepts them and Lord David William gives them a gift of credits for their kindness.

Lord David William asks " How is Lord Andrew Charles taking the news that you are a Marchioness?"

"I don't know how Lord Preppy is taking or receiving the news. He can take it up with his father, Lord Charles Andrew JR when we return to Norfolk" Lady Karissa tells Lord David William Beck.

Lord David William Beck bursts out laughing " Maybe he should reconsider marrying you."

"I wish Lord David William Beck." Lady Karissa tells him "He is more eager than ever. We won't marry until he gives me my daughter, Lady Elizabeth Victoria Ann Beltane."

"Are you sure he is fertile?" Lady Karissa asks Lord David William Beck.

"Last time I checked he was fertile as a stud bull waiting for the chance tomate." Lord David William tells Lady Karissa.

"Lady Suzanne told me that Lord Richard Edward II is only an adequate lover." Lady Karissa tells him.

"I sure hope Lord Andrew Charles is better than just adequate." Lady Karissa tells Lord David William.

"I can't speak for their vitality and performance but he can give you children." Lord David William tells her.

"I find comfort in that." Lady Karissa says with a laugh.

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