Lord Andrew Charles Howard

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Lord Andrew Charles Howard

Lord Andrew Charles Howard is the youngest son of Lord Charles Andrew Howard JR and Lady Patricia Eugenie Stuart.

Lord Andrew Charles Howard was born on December 21, 2250 and their last child and Lady Patricia had blessed her husband with five children, in which case three were sons.

Just like her mother-in-law, Lady Alexandra Elizabeth Churchill and her husband's grandmother had done before her.

The Howard's were no way lacking in heirs, but when it came to Lord Charles Andrew Howard JR's three sons, two were sorry excuses as Lady Jeanette stated.

Lord Charles Andrew Howard JR still had hoped that one of his three sons would give him his late father his first great-grandchildren and since he wasn't a picky man and as long it came through the patrilineal line that Dukedom would be secure.

Lord Charles Andrew Howard Jr never thought that when he arranged his two eldest sons' marriages in 2251 and 2257, that his two eldest sons and wives wouldn't give him a grandchild each.

Every year passed by with his two eldest sons and no child was born from the marriages and he started to wonder why and he summoned his two elder sons into his drawing room and he looked at them and asked " Why haven't one of you given your grandfather his heir.?"

Lord Charles Andrew III is the first one to speak up and he tells his father " I don't love Lady Victoria and she doesn't love me."

"What love has to do with Lord Charles Andrew III?" Lord Charles Andrew JR states, "It is a matter of duty."

"Aristocratic marriages are not arranged for love, but it is nice if it does happen." Lord Charles Andrew JR tells his oldest son.

Lord Charles Andrew JR looks at his second son, Lord Patrick William II and asks him "What is your excuse?"

Lord Patrick William II tells his father " Father, It is not as if Lady Paulina and I haven't tried over the years and Lord David Beck tells us it is a matter of timing."

"One thing I won't do is abandon my wife just because we don't have children." Lord Patrick William II states.

Lord Charles Andrew Jr smiles at Lord Patrick

Willam II and he tells his son " I am happy Lady Paulina and you are happy together. I would never dream of breaking it up."

Lord Andrew Charles walks into his father's drawing room where he is talking with his two brothers and asks " What is this discussion about father?"

"It is about your brother's lack of having children with their wives, Lord Andrew Charles." Lord Charles Andrew JR tells his son.

Lord Andrew Charles looks at his brothers " Listen here bro. Don't pass the buck onto me."

"I am the youngest son and the duty falls upon you , Lord Charles Andrew III and Lord Patrick William." Lord Andrew Charles states.

Lord Charles Andrew Howard JR knows that Lord Andrew Charles is the handsomest son out of his three sons.

Lord Andrew Charles has dark hair, blue eyes, medium skin, he is tall, and reminds Lord Charles Andrew JR of his favorite uncle, Lord Andrew Charles Howard, Duke of Northumberland Territory.

Lord Charles Andrew Howard JR was fond of both his uncle, Lord Andrew Charles and his aunt, Lady Sophia Charlotte Carey nee Howard but he was not so fond of his uncle, Lord Frederick William II, but he did love his first cousin, Lord Frederick William III.

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