118 Years Later

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Many light years away in the United States after it has only partly recovered from World War III in the Commonwealth of Virginia a 15 year old young girl named Karissa Elizabeth Ann Lowell is the sole survivor of her family that have all died from radiation poisoning.

Fifteen year old Karissa goes to live with her distant relatives but in October of 2270 they can no longer provide her and they have her declared a war orphan and with that the United Federation of Planets decides to place her in a relocation program to either Star Base 10 or 12.

The Lewis drive Karissa Elizabeth Ann Lowell to San Francisco, California where the USS Republic is waiting to take 499 other war orphans besides herself to either Star Base 10 or 12.

If you don't know the definition of orphan it is a child left without parents caused by war, accident, or death..

All the war orphans are left without parents or even a family that cares about them and all they have is their memories of their late families as they travel to Star Base 10 or 12.

Inside the waiting room of Star-Fleet Command are young people crying with each other and holding each other.

Their Captain is Captain Katheryn Janeyway, the first woman StarShip Captain in Star Fleet History. She graduated with honors at Star-Fleet Academy.

She walks up to her young charges in her care and she tells them " I am your Captain for your journey to Star Base 10 and 12. We will take good care of you all. This Starship is well equipped with everything you might need."

Karissa and some of the young people take comfort in the garden on the USS Republic and they share stories of their families with each other and they cry together as their lives will forever be changed.

All of these young people have one thing in common: they were not affected by radiation poisoning and none of them were left incapable of having children.

These young people will start a new generation of children on Star Base 10 and 12.

On board the USS Republic are 250 young men and 250 young women who are all capable of having children and they are the hope for the world.

One young woman named Katherine Harris tells everyone " Do you know what the Bible states about children " Lo, Children are the heritage of the Lord."

Another young woman named Susan Taylor tells Katherine Harris " What if we don't choose to have children or marry Katherine?"

A young man named Peter Kelly states " I want to go to Star-Fleet Academy before I marry."

Sitting in the distance is Karissa Elizabeth Ann Lowell and she just listens to the other young people talking to each other and when someone asks her what her opinion is she answers " I have no opinion."

"Do you know what I wish for all of us?" Karissa tells her companions.

"I want us to be happy once again, fall in love, marry if we want, have children, or have a career." Karissa tells them.

"I don't know if I will ever fall in love again after I saw my beloved fiance, Roy die in front of my eyes." Karissa tells them.

"Roy and I have plans to marry in 2274, but he died of cancer caused by the radiation just like my father, mother, sisters, and brothers." Karissa cries.

"We planned to name our first daughter, Elizabeth Victoria Ann Beltane." Karissa cries " Now I will never have a daughter."

Little does Karissa realize that that one a distance Star Base there are two young men looking for their bride and both will answer her prayer.

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