They didn't notice as she entered the room, too focused on the screen in front of them.

"Wah! I'm so proud!"

Jin wiped away a fake tear.

"Seriously, you can't tell that it's her first time doing something like that!"

"I don't know if I should admit this, but I wasn't expecting her to be so good at hosting a show..."

"How could you say that!

"Of course, she is! Our Anna is amazing at everything."

"No, I agree. For her first time MCing, she's doing remarkably well. Do you remember what we were like a few years ago, not as practised as we are now, right, Taehyung?"

"I'm not sure what you're implying, Hyung. I'm a great MC."

"That's right, Taetae. Stay positive."


While the children fought, Anna's cover of TXT's song began to play.

"You know the boys helped her with choreography for this."


"I didn't know that they were so close."

"Anna makes friends with every Idol she meets. Soon she'll have more friends in the industry than we do!"

"So? Who wouldn't want to be friends with our Anna."

"True. Sometimes I can't believe how lucky we are."

"Noona's the best!"

Namjoon reached out and took Jungkook's hand.

"Not just Anna, but all of you. I feel so lucky that you guys are my soulmates."

"Joonie's getting all emotional on us!"

"It's true though. I know sometimes I have to be the stern leader and I feel like I don't tell you all enough how much I appreciate each of you."

They all looked at the leader with love in their eyes. Hoseok took Namjoon's other hand and brought it up to his lips, giving it a kiss.

"We know. You're the best leader and an even more wonderful soulmate. We're thankful to have you."

"If anything, we're sorry we can be such a pain sometimes. I mean I try to keep the kids in line for you but..."

"Jin-Hyung, you are one of the kids."

"Wah! Me? I'm good for aren't I, Joonie?"

Jin fluttered his eyelashes at Namjoon while holding his hands on either side of his face in a flower pose.

"Seriously, Hyung? Way to ruin the mood. We were being all romantic and stuff!"

The leader chuckled and released Jungkook's hand to ruffle the younger boy's hair. The Maknae leant against Namjoon as he pouted, and the leader wrapped his arm around the singer.

"Says the one who's half naked."

"Yeah, Kook, you know you can put your shirt back on now. We've stopped working out."

"Aww, but our Maknae likes showing off his hard work."

The youngest smirked as he tensed his muscles.

"I think Hyungs like it more."

Jimin, not one to waste an opportunity, raised his arm and showed off his bicep.

"You're not the only one with muscles, Jungkookie."

"You've still got some work to do if you want to catch up with me, Hyung."

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