thirty three

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"Has anyone seen my pink bra? The lacy one?" Sydney asked over her shoulder as she rummaged through her messy trunk. Her hair was damp from the shower, and she was wearing nothing but a pair of satin pyjama shorts.

"Nah." Val replied distractedly, slathering moisturiser onto her face.

"Maybe your laundry got mixed up with someone else's?" Dahlia suggested. She was still in bed, covers pulled up to her chin, eyes lidded with exhaustion.

"I have it." Willow admitted guiltily.

They all turned to look at her, brows raised. Sydney placed a hand on her hip, staring her down challengingly, "You have it?"

"I borrowed it." She shrugged.

Val grinned, "Did Jordan like it?"

Willow blushed, and looked down at her hands, "She did."

"Well, I'm glad my bralette got you laid." Sydney rolled her eyes.

"What?" Willow replied defensively, "You're the one always telling me I need to wear bras that define my tits!"

Sydney laughed, "You're right." She shrugged, "Keep the bra."

Willow stared at her, "Seriously?"

Sydney pulled a red bra out of her trunk, and pulled it over her head, "This one's just a sexy, right?" She asked, doing a twirl so all the girls could assess it.

"Sure." Dahlia replied tiredly. Val offered Sydney a lazy thumbs up.

"Keep the pink one, Will." Sydney said, "I'm sure Jordan will enjoy it."

Willow threw a dirty sock at her, Sydney yelped in disgust, and Dahlia and Val burst out laughing.

The four of them spent the rest of the day together. The weather was improving, and the sun was out, shining through wispy white clouds. They sat beneath a tall oak tree on the castle grounds, breathing in the fresh air, and letting the cool breeze tangle through their messy hair. They talked about school, and homework, and teachers. They talked about music, and books, and films. They talked about classmates, and village boys, and strict parents. They didn't talk about the future.

The future terrified them. They had spent the last six years sheltered between thick castle walls, protected from the outside world, completely untouchable. They had one year of school left, followed by the rest of their lives. The problem was, they didn't know what life looked like without each other. Without waking up at the top of the West Tower every morning, fighting over the sink, listening to music while they brushed their teeth. The day would soon come when they woke up alone, without their best friends, without their sisters.

Riverview was a fortress full of ghosts, harsh rules, ruthless discipline, and cruel teachers. But this was the place where they had found each other. The place where they had grown up. The place where they had lived, and loved, and made countless beautiful memories.

This was the place where Willow had met Jordan, and her life had changed forever.

Later that afternoon, as the sun slowly sunk from the sky, Sydney trekked into the village to meet a boy, while Dahlia and Val retired to the library to catch up on homework.

Willow was sat in the dimly lit dorm with a book open on her lap when she heard a knock. She pushed her glasses up her nose, crossed the room, and opened the door. Jordan was stood on the other side, grinning from ear to ear, "Evening, m'lady."

Willow laughed, "Evening." She responded, stepping aside to let Jordan in, "What are you doing here?"

Jordan pecked her on the cheek, then collapsed onto Willow's bed, "I missed you."

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