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Willow was sat in the dining hall with her friends, elbows propped up on the table, face in her hands. She was staring glumly at the portraits on the wall, wondering if they would be disappointed in her. Her gaze drifted to the stained glass windows full of biblical figures, and for the first time, she felt uncomfortable by their presence; like they were judging her.

"I can't believe you - of all people - got detention." Sydney laughed, leaning over to steal a chip from Willow's plate, which had been left discarded, half-empty.

"I think it's sweet." Dahlia smiled encouragingly, "You did something nice for someone who you don't even like. That was really big of you, Willow."

Willow groaned, "My parents would kill me if they knew I had detention."

"Oh, cheer up." Val patted her on the back jokingly, "It's just detention."

"I'm gonna miss training." Willow complained.

"I'll tell coach you're sorry." Sydney took another chip off of Willow's plate. "I don't blame you for being annoyed though." She continued, "It's that new girl - she's trouble."

Val hummed in agreement, "She walks round like she owns the place."

"Probably got expelled from her last school." Sydney scoffed.

"She can't have done. Riverview would never have taken her." Dahlia reasoned, twirling a sandy blonde lock between her fingers, deep in thought. "I wonder why she joined in the middle of term - that's never happened before."

Willow decided not to contribute to the conversation. She agreed with Sydney - Jordan was trouble. And yet, Willow couldn't ignore the way she had felt sat next to her on her bed, like there was a tightness in her chest. She was sure it hadn't meant anything; she had probably just been in an uncomfortable situation and her body had reacted in a way she hadn't recognised. That was all it was. She needed herself to believe that that was all it was.

She scanned the hall and found no sign of Jordan. She hadn't seen her at lunch all week. Willow wondered where she went during this time, but forced herself to stop thinking about it. She needed to quit obsessing about Jordan. It wasn't healthy. It wasn't sane.

"Are you nervous?" Dahlia was leaning over the table, eyes on Sydney.

"Not really." Sydney shrugged, "Why? Do you think I should be?"

"Depends how much you like him." Val interjected, "If you're just going over for sex, then no. If you fancy him, then maybe."

"I don't know." Sydney furrowed her brows in concentration, "I don't think I fancy him."

"That's why you're not nervous." Dahlia said decidedly, picking at her food halfheartedly.

Willow zoned out for the rest of the conversation. She didn't know how to talk about boys in the same way that her friends did. She simply couldn't muster the energy to care.

At the end of the day, after all of her lessons were over, Willow headed to Miss Burke's office to find Jordan already waiting outside. Jordan's shirt was tucked in for the first time, though her collar was still wonky and her - Willow's - tie hung loosely around her neck. Willow paused when she saw her, angry at herself for feeling that same tightness in her chest again. She tried to push it away but the feeling was stubborn and persistent. She didn't dare look into Jordan's warm almond eyes for a second too long, because she was afraid of seeing something there that hadn't been there before.

"Hey." Jordan smiled at her apologetically, "I'm really sorry about this; it's my fault we're here."

Willow found that her mouth was dry, and she had to swallow before she spoke, "It's okay." She managed to choke out, "It was my choice to miss half the lesson."

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