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Willow was woken up on Saturday morning by the sound of the door clicking open. She rolled over, burying her face in her pillow, trying to go back to sleep. But it was futile; a second later, she was shaken awake, only to be met with Sydney's blurry grinning face.

"Mmm, what?" Willow groaned, blindly reaching for her glasses on her bedside table and clumsily slipping them on.

Sydney kicked off her shoes and crawled into bed with her, rolling onto her side, eyes bright and full of excitement, "I had the best night." She whispered.

"Great." Willow mumbled, tugging the duvet cover up to her chin, "You couldn't have waited a couple more hours to tell me that?"

"Well, I just got in." She said dismissively, "I wanted to tell you straight away."

"What time is it?"

"Nine AM." Sydney leant forward to tuck one of Willow's stray curls back into her ponytail, "He kicked me out early; he has a Saturday job at his Dad's butcher shop."

"Can you go bother Dahlia or Val instead?" Willow complained tiredly.

"They're asleep."

"So was I."

"Well, you're my favourite."

"I wish I wasn't. Can I go back to sleep now?" Willow pleaded, taking her glasses off again and tossing them aside. She shut her eyes, curling into the sheets, trying to pick up on the dream she had left abandoned and incomplete.

Sydney wrapped an arm around Willow's waist, pulling her into her chest, "'Course, Will." She whispered, "Sorry for waking you."

"S'okay." Willow sighed, relishing in the other girl's body heat as Sydney ran her fingers through Willow's hair, her soft touch lulling her back to sleep.

Willow woke up again an hour later to the sound of Dahlia and Val chatting softly at the windowsill. Willow's legs were tangled up with Sydney's, their bodies pressed together beneath the sheets, Sydney's makeup from the night before smudged around her eyes. Willow peeled herself away, walking over to the sink to wash her face, tightening her ponytail as blonde curls dipped into her crystal blue eyes.

"Morning, Willow." Dahlia yawned. She was still in her pyjamas; soft checkered trousers and an oversized t-shirt. Next to her, Val was wearing Sydney's hockey jumper with a pair of men's boxers underneath.

"Morning." Willow grumbled, grabbing her toothbrush and squeezing toothpaste onto it.

"What time did she get in?" Val gestured to Sydney, still fast asleep in Willow's bed.

"Nine-ish." Willow replied, beginning to brush her teeth as she wandered over to her trunk distractedly, pulling out a pair of jeans and an oversized knitted jumper.

Dahlia exchanged a devious look with Val, and instantly, the two girls understood each other, speaking in their own secret language. Wordlessly, they bolted towards Willow's bed in unison, jumping onto Sydney to wake her up. They both giggled, Val straddling Sydney's waist to pin her down, Dahlia tickling her neck and sides, quickly stirring Sydney into consciousness as she tried to shove them away.

"Urgh, get off!" Sydney moaned, breathless and laughing, squirming under the two girls' grip.

"What's wrong, Syd?" Willow rose her brows, spitting a mouthful of toothpaste down the sink, "Don't like getting woken up unexpectedly?"

Sydney groaned loudly, nudging Dahlia and Val away as she sat up, covers pooling at her waist, "Fuck me, I'm exhausted."

Willow finished brushing her teeth and jumped onto her bed to join the other three girls, grabbing her glasses from her bedside table and shoving them onto her face, "So," She smiled encouragingly, "How was it?"

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