.....Five Years Later.....

It has been five years already and many things have changed. George and Mary got married, Jason and Margaret are engaged, and Margaret will be moving here to Othillia. Natalie and Charlotte have been arrested and will be in jail for quite some time.

Today it was announced to the public that Edward will be abdicating due to health reasons. A few months ago he was gravely ill to the point where everyone withing the palace was already expecting the worse. Thankfully, he was able to recover.

He was advised by his doctor to take a break from everything. However, because he was king and had to run an entire country, he couldn't go past a week without either signing a few documents or attending a meeting.

It was later decided it would be best for him to abdicate. Though it took some persuading from all of us, he finally agreed to do so in the end.

Although he did not want to abdicate because Alex and I are just starting our family. Edward wanted to give us some time before passing over the crown.

Today is a Monday and last Saturday was our wedding anniversary. Unfortunately, Alex had to be out of town and is only returning today.

I wait in our three year old's room as she plays with her toys and I clean up some things around the room.

A few months after our first anniversary, we found out we were expecting our first child. We decided to name her Adelaide Victoria Elizabeth Mary or Addie for short.

I look out the window for a moment and I notice the gate being opened as I spot three black cars entering, placing a smile on my face.

"Addie, Daddy's home" I say as she gasps with a smile and disregards her toys before running out of the room.

"Addie! Slow down!" I exclaim as I go after her through the palace halls.

Since the moment she was born, she has had Alex wrapped around her little finger. He would spoil her with all sorts of things and put off his work to spend time with her, no matter how much work he needs to accomplish.

"Daddy!" She screams as she spots him and he turns around and lifts her up in his arms.

"You took so long" she says as Alex chuckles before kissing her cheek.

"I'm sorry, I had to do a lot of things. Were you good while I was gone?" He asks as she nods.

"Addie, how many times do I have to tell you not to run inside?" I ask as I approach them.

"I'm sorry Mommy, I won't do it again. I promise" she says as I nod.

"Why don't you call grandma and grandpa so we can have lunch soon?" I ask as she nods with a smile before Alex places her down as she runs off.

I sigh as I watch her run off as Alex turns me towards him before he kisses me and I do the same as I place my hands around him.

"I missed you" I say as we pull apart.

"I missed you too. I'm sorry I couldn't be here for our anniversary. I promise we will celebrate tonight" Alex says as he places an arm around my shoulder as we begin to walk towards the dining room.

.....A Few Hours Later.....

The weather is lovely today so we decided to take a walk in the garden before we have to get ready for tonight.

It turns out Alex has dinner plans for us while Victoria and Edward will be spending time with Adelaide.

Edward and Victoria gifted us a nearby house as part of their many gifts. The house is on the grounds of a property of the crown so we don't need to worry about the press and all that coming to our house.

After our honeymoon we decided to move there. However, we also have rooms here in the palace for times when we would visit Edward and Victoria.

Alex and I walk around as Addie runs around the garden chasing a butterfly.

"Any update on how the public is taking the news?" I ask

"Most don't want him to abdicate yet but they understand why he needs to do so" Alex replies as we notice Addie coming towards us.

"Well, it is quite unexpecte-" I stop midway as I suddenly felt dizzy and I held on to his arm and stopped walking.

"What's wrong? Are you alright?" He immediately asks as he places a hand by my shoulder and focuses his attention on me.

Before I get to respond I feel my knees buckle and I feel him catching me before I loose consciousness.



Author's Note:

Word Count: 1413

This is the final chapter in this book. There will be a third and final part entitled "The Future Together". You can check the next chapter for more details.

Thank you to all who continue to read until the end. I hope to see you all in the next book.

The Future WeddingNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ