Chapter 38

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We reached the carriage as Alex places Emma in before turning to me. I quickly enter and he immediately follows.

The moment the door closes we began the drive back to the palace. Emma sat beside me while Alex sat right across.

"Amelia!" Alex shouts as he pulls me down to the floor of the carriage and I do the same to Emma.

I noticed a bullet on the seat that I had previously occupied. Yet before I could do or say anything else Emma moves closer to me and I wrap my arms around her.

"Can't we move any faster?" Alex asks the guard while we remain on the floor.

"I'm sorry sir, this is the quickest the horses can go" the guard explains as Alex nods.

.....A Few Minutes Later.....

We finally saw the gates of the palace. The moment they spotted us they quickly opened the gates and the carriage stopped by the entrance.

We all get down and we were quickly ushered inside by the guards. We were being directed to one of the nearby sitting rooms.

We immediately enter to be greeted by our family and friends. I noticed some tears in both mom and Victoria's eyes.

"Thank god, you both are alright" Mom says as they all rush over to us as we hug one another.

"Who's this?" Victoria asks as she gestures to Emma, standing beside me.

"This is Emma, we met her on the way here, she doesn't know where her parents are currently, but we will find them" I explain as everyone else nods.

"Definitely, we will find them Emma" Victoria says as Emma nods.

There's a knock on the door and everyone looks to the door to see Laura, Liam and David entering as they bow and curtsy before David speaks.

"Your Royal Highnesses, it's great to see you both are doing well. We've been trying to get hold of where you both were, when the shooting began, but it was difficult due to all the chaos around. Is there anything you both need?" David asks

"None at the moment, except..." I say as I crouch down to Emma's level.

"Emma would it be alright with you if you go with them? while we look for your parents" I ask her while gesturing to both Laura and David. While Liam quietly speaks with Edward at the side.

She looks at them for a few seconds before nodding her head as I get up and turn to both of them.

"Would you mind accompanying her for a few minutes?" I ask them both.

"Of course not ma'am" Laura says

They both walk out with Emma and as the doors shut we all face each other in silence for a few seconds.

"Liam, begin a search for her parents" Edward speaks first as Liam nods.

"Sir what about the guests?" Liam asks

"What do you both want to do?" Edward asks as everyone turns to us waiting for our answer.

I glance up at Alex as we think for a moment before he begins to speak "Cancel the reception and give all the guests a room here in the palace until we can assure everyones safety"

"Sir what about the others? There aren't enough rooms for everyone to fit here" Liam says as he turns to Alex.

"The remaining ones can stay in other estates owned by the crown" Alex explains as Liam nods before leaving.

"Perhaps we should all freshen up first and meet back here" Victoria suggests as everyone agrees and we all walk out of the sitting room.

Alex and I made it back to our room and after he closes the door he immediately wraps his arms around me and I do the same to him as we remain in silence.

"I thought I was going to lose you there" he says as I look up at him to see sadness in his eyes.

"A bullet isn't going to stop me from spending my future with you" I say as he smiles before leaning closer as he kisses me.

After we just stare into each other's eyes until we hear people talking in the hallway and we pull apart.

"You could go and change first" he says while we walk further into the room.

"No, it's alright you go first. I still need to go to Camille to get the tiara off anyways"

"You just stay here, I'll call for Camille. Is there anything else you need?" He asks as he stands by the door.

"No, that's all" I say as he nods and I begin to walk towards the bathroom "Oh, could you call Abby as well?" I ask as he nods before closing the door.

.....A Few Minutes Later.....

The tiara was taken off and Abby has taken my wedding gown to have it repaired due to some damage acquired while we were running.

Once the gown is fixed and cleaned it will be placed on display in an exhibit  together with other royal wedding gowns from the past.

After a warm shower and a fresh change of clothes, I step out of the bathroom to feel the cool wind brush past me. I turn to see the balcony doors open with Alex just standing and looking out.

I approach him and I notice he's holding a glass of whiskey as he takes a sip while he tries to calm down.

"What's wrong?" I ask as he just notices me standing beside him.

"They've found out who set the whole thing up" he says as he takes another sip of his whiskey.

"Who?" I ask as he takes a deep breath before turning to me.

"Natalie and Charlotte"

Author's Note:

Word Count: 1028

Hello! I hope everyones doing well. I'm sorry I haven't updated in more than a month. I recently had writers block and I've been very busy with other things so I haven't had the time to update. I'll try to update as soon as possible. (Hopefully at least another update this week).

Thank you to those who continue to read my story even if I haven't updated in a long time.

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