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Erin groaned as she felt her body being shook, "Stop..." She mumbled as she clenched her pillow.

"You have to wake up." Daiji kept shaking her shoulder, "Erin." He called.

Erin slowly fluttered her eyes open making Daiji stop, "What..." She groaned.

"It's noon." He simply said with a bored expression.

Erin blinked a few times, "Noon..." She mumbled, "It's...NOON!" She jumped out of bed, "I'm going to be late!" Erin ran to her dresser and rummaged through her ninja clothes.

Daiji chuckled and simply walked away shaking his head, closing her bedroom door behind him.

"Crap..." Erin mumbled as she quickly got dressed, scared she was going to be late for the meeting at the Hokage's building.

She got dressed, wearing a sleeveless tight zip-up shirt reaching her waist and her usual simple black shorts reaching her thighs.

Erin sighed as she tied her ninja headband on her forearm, "Shit." She overslept since she was out late last night talking with Kakashi.

She walked out of her room quickly and ran to the kitchen, "Hey." Erin said as she practically tore the fridge open.

Daiji stood in the middle of the kitchen with a slice of pie, "Hello?" He blinked a few times confused at how quickly she got here.

Erin grabbed an apple from the fridge and ran to the door, "See you later." She bit into the apple holding it in her mouth as she put on her shoes.

Daiji leaned on the counter eating, "Okay." He chuckled.

"Bye!" She ran out the door.

'I'll be fine!' She ran as she occasionally bit into her apple.

Erin ran down the streets of Konoha, "Sorry!" She yelled as she almost collided with a lady.

The Hokage tower came into view, 'Alright!' Erin smirked as she ran towards it, and up the stairs.

She smiled as she saw Kai and Seiko walk down the hallway ahead of her calmly.

"Hello there!" Erin called as she ran towards them.

Kai and Seiko turned around quickly watching as Erin ran towards them, an apple in her hand.

Erin halted as she reached the two, "I made it." She slid a little as she did.

"What a lovely entrance." Kai mocked with a smirk as he found it hilarious.

"Shut up." Erin panted, "I'm here now." She took a bite out of her apple.

Seiko chuckled as she shook her head, "Did you just wake up?" She smiled.

"Yep!" Erin responded casually as she threw her apple out an open window in the hallway.

Kai just watch the apple fly out of the window, "Wait did you just-" He pointed at the window.

"Come on..." Erin grabbed the two and pushed them towards the office doors before they can say anything.

Seiko opened the double doors, Erin and Kai behind her, they walked into the usual sight of Tsunade and Shizune.

"Good afternoon." Seiko bowed, the two following her lead as the doors closed behind them.

Tsunade nodded, "I'm glad you all made it." She cleared her throat, "I think we should get right to it." She crossed her arms.

The three nodded in agreement.

"So as you reported they are no threat to our village," Tsunade opened a file on her desk, "And that ended up accurate." She nodded as she kept her eyes on it.

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