Chapter 1 (Part 1)

Start from the beginning

She gasped in delight and surprise as a folded blue garment was offered to her on a platter. Running her hands along its liquid-like surface, she couldn't help herself.

It seems like a very expensive material, but...

"Thank you!" She pulled the set of clothing from the platter and held it against her chest enthusiastically. Brother Wolf huffed impatiently besides her, reminding her of herself. Blinking at the young man, she grinned savagely. "It seems like my Brother Wolf has taken quite an appetite to your camels. I'd better go."

The young man continued to look at her softly and said gently, "Miss, I do not know if I should say this but... it is not suited for you to be in the constant company of wolves. You should be back with people."

"People?... Thanks for your concern." She tilted her head thoughtfully.

Almost turning to leave, she couldn't help but take one last look at this helpful but mysterious stranger. Simultaneously, he unveiled his shawl to reveal a beautifully handsome face, young but seemingly roughened by experience and hardship. Angular cheekbones held up a pair of wise eyes and his straight nose led to a pair of kind lips that were tilted upwards in friendliness. Smiling at him gratefully, she left; her footprints hardly leaving a trace in the running sand.


Laying her dirty fur boots down on the rickety rotten table, she glanced at her twirling reflection in the bowl of water. The dark sapphire garment fitted to her like second skin, whilst the complementary veil flowing down from the top of her head to the floor was held up by a small diadem of lapis lazuli and similar coloured gems. A singular chain, its ends fitted with the same crystals, dangled against her forehead and sat on her hair parting. After washing her hair and braiding them again like Father had taught her, she looked less squalid and more like the young girl running barefoot amongst the tribal tents three years ago.

Climbing out of her small cave, she crawled up the valley sides and twirled freely on the open plain above her current home. The moon light shone through the sheer material of her veil, the intricate silver threads which weaved the half-moon patterns along the edges of it glinted as the night winds blew the material to partner with the dancing light.

Smiling to herself, she pranced over to flop down besides the resting Brother Wolf.

"Seriously, it's been so long but I still haven't been able to get rid of this awful habit. Whenever I see something nice, I can't bring myself to turn it down. Brother Wolf, why do you think that Ninth Master would gift a stranger such expensive garments? Who do you think he is? Why does he seem to possess a sort of aristocratic aura yet also contain such a calm demeanour?"

Brother Wolf huffed gently and whined as he nuzzled his muzzle deeper between his paws.

"Hey, I'm talking to you! Why are you ignoring me? I haven't spoken this much in a long time! I really do like talking..."

Brother Wolf got up and ran away from her whilst she wrinkled her nose at his retreating tail.

"Hey! You're not brother enough! Humph, I bet that Ninth Master would not have your poor attitude!"

Leaping up, she ran to chase after Brother Wolf in the darkness.


A small group of men galloped slowly, navigating their way through the winding hills of the desert plain. Spreading apart, they turned their horses around to regain a sense of place; the surrounding hills all looked identical to them.

An elderly man rode up uneasily next to a tall muscular young man on the best looking steed. The young man's strong brows were cinched in frustration as he listened to what the senior had to say.

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