Chapter seven

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Bruce Wayn PoV:

I was driving towards Kyana's apartment, hopefully she will be there. How does she know that the Riddler isn't there. What if something happens to her. I need her for this case, and so does Gotham.
Honestly, I need her. Not because I can't live without her and all that bullshit, but she was the first Person I talked to. Of course I have Alfred and Monica (let's just call his cleaning lady Monica) who are in my House most of the time. But it was lonely. I have been alone for most of my life, so having company other then the people who have been in my life for years now was quiet nice. I sighed.

I was almost there when I saw a familiar bike at the side of the road. What the heck?
„Kyana?" I asked stopping behind her.
The person turned around.
„Huh? Oh hi?" She said turning around, now facing me.
„What the hell are you doing here?" I asked, does the Riddler live here.
„On my way home, by the way do you by any chance know Bruce Wayn, or someone who can talk to him?" She asked looking down on her phone, what was so important on there.
„Uh yeah.I kinda know Bruce Wayn." I was so confused. She knows I'm bruce wayn but acts like she doesn't. What is going on.
„Alright can you warn him. I think the Riddler might kill him next, I was in his apartment and saw bombs and tor-„ She said but I cut her off by starting my motorcycle.
„Uh are you going to tell him cuz I could come with you I have pic-„ I couldn't hear her anymore, I drove off as fast as possible.

„ComPuter call Alfred." Fuck Fuck Fuck, please don't let him open anything. Please for god's sake let them be ok.

I slammed my hand against the handle. FUCK why aren't they answering.

„Hello Mr. Wayn?" I heard Monicas voice.
„MONICA you guys are in danger don't open anything, no packages no doors NOTHING. Something bad is about to happen" I yelled, thank god she was ok.
„I'm sorry Mr. Wayn, I tried to call but I think it already happened." She sounded defeated.

No... god no.

„Is he... is he alive?" I asked, please for the love of god let him live.
„Yes, he is getting surgery right now, but the Doctors say he will survive." She sighed, I am so sorry for her. It was all my fault.

„Oh by the way, there was a small envelope for The Batman." She said.
„Alright I'll be home in a couple minutes" I said and hung up.

I arrived and saw the smoke coming out of the library. Fucking hell.
I ran inside, looking for Monica. „Where is the elderly Lady that lives here?" I asked an firefighter who was cleaning stuff up. „Huh? Oh I have no Idea, she said she will try to contact Bruce wayn. By the way, I think this is for you." He said and handed me the envelope Monica was talking about.

„Zoo wee mama, what the hell happened here?" I heard a familiar voice say behind me. I spun around and there she was, Kyana. Did she fuxking follow me? „What the hell are you doing here?!" I was dumbfounded. „Oh I wanted to see where you were going, since you left so apruptly. Guess Bruce ain't doing too well right?" She said and winked at me.
„It wasn't Bruce who got hurt. He isn't here at the moment." The firefighter said, why was he still here?

„Ohh the Riddler made a woopsie. Is the person ok tho?" She asked, even tho she didn't seem to give a fuck honestly. The fireighter nodded and left.
„So batman, you are friends with Bruce right? You can lie to me but I know the answer already. Is that why you have the Military gear from Wayn Cooperation ? And why you were so shocked when I told you about the stuff I found out?" She sat down on the floor and stared into my eyes.

How does she know about the Military gear. No one knows about that. „How do you know about the gear?" I asked, staring right back at her.
I could see that she was smiling under the mask.
„Let's say I also know some important people." She said and stood up.
„Alrighty, I will leave now. To whoever got hurt, I hope they're going to be better soon. See ya later alligator." She winked and with that she walked away. Weird girl.

Your PoV:

Batmans face was sooo good, when he realized I knew about his gear, gosh I wish I had a picture of that. That was just, chefs kiss. Tho I would still like to talk to Bruce Wayn about what I found out. Cuz I am not so sure if he even knows about all that. Seems like his father wasn't all that good, told someone to kill a person for him. The Media might have twisted the truth a bit, since that's always the case, but still it's true. Should I tell Batman about it first? Probably. Will I do it?

Mans can fuck off honestly, he has been nothing but not helpful, he fucking drove off when I wanted to talk to him. Asshole. I grunted as I got on my bike, he actually has been nothing but an ass towards me. Why the fuck am I still working with him? There was no reason for me to keep in touch with him any longer. But to be honest, I kinda like him, like not in any romantic shit way. God no. But in a... friend way? Ion know, I just like his company I guess, its nice not being alone.

I got home and changed my clothes, I changed into my „work" clothes. It was just a dress, if you can call it that, and some high heels. Demon stompers as I like to call it. Horrible things, to whoever invented this shit can go fuck himself honestly. I did my makeup, put on a wig and off I go.
I arrived rather quickly at the iceberg lounge. I couldn't hear anything, my music was too loud. Which is a horrible idea in Gotham city. Especially where I was walking right now, here you gotta use your ears to hear if someone was coming. But I was feeling astronomical good and like a baddie.
The song I choose to feel this way was nothing other then.

———Run boy Run- Woodkid——-

It might sound silly but this song makes me feel like I was running away from a horrendous beast with friends. I smiled while turning the music a bit down.
Good thing I did it because now I heard a voice screaming at me. I immediately turned around and faced a familiar person.





Cliff hanger, not a good one nor an really interesting one. But I just wanted to have a cliffhanger for once in my life. So there ya go;)

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