Chapter three

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I arrived at home and went to my Computer. Of course I fed bretzel before doing so, and yes brez, thank god, survived 3 hours with no food. I bet it was hard for her

what is the Definition of little ghost."
It won't hurt to do a little googling right? Maybe it means something, or i'm just looking too deep into this and it's not as special as I thought it is.

they are feeling inconsequential or invisible

Nevermind. It is as deep as I thought.

But still, i mean it kinda makes sense .. Why me? He could have just let Batman handle things, there was no reason to being me into this too.

Suddenly I heard a knock on my door.

It was 3 a.m

Who in their right Mind would knock this late.

Wait what if it is...
I jumped up grabbed my mask and opened the door.

It was infact, not who I thought it will be.

It was a card.

„I knew you would come to see the letter. Did you already figure it out? That we are both invisible?! If we work together, we can finally show the World who we really are. Batman and I, we are bestes friends. So why don't you join us? We three can rule Gotham and get rid of all the corruption. Doesn't this sound wonderful!??????????????????????"
Kisses, Riddler.

I walked back into my apartment, closed the door and went to my bedroom. The moment I walked in a cold breeze hit me. What the hell?
I didn't open the window, please don't tell me its broken.
I closed it and dressed myself in some comfy clothes and sat down on my bed.

„Get rid of corruption? Wait in what way was Gal corrupt?! But I guess it isn't over yet mh? Who else could end up dying. This dude is nuts holy shit. But Batman being is best friend is hilarious."
I chuckled thinking about how Riddler really thought Batman would be friends with him.

„When did you get this card." A voice said next to me.

„AHHH" I jumped off my bed grabbing my knife from under my pillow. What the fuck?!

„What the fuck are you doing in my house?" I asked him as he slowly walked out of the shadow.

The one and only Batman.

„When did you get the card." He asked again, looking at the card.

„I got it like 20 minutes ago, wait for how long where in that corner? Did you see me change clothes?! Fucking pervert get the fuck out of my house." I looked on the ground so that I could hide my face a little bit.

I kinda forgot where I put my mask so the floor looking method it is.
„Are you looking for this?" Batman asks and held my mask infront of my face. I snatched it from his arms and put it on.

„So Mr. Batman, interesting entrance as always bit why are you here." I asked, I really just wanted to leave.

„Tomorrow there will me the funeral of Don, I want you to be there and see if the Riddler is there. People like him, like to see the reactions of people. I will be there too." He said looking straight into my eyes.

„Why would I? I don't care about this funeral, if you are there, theres no need to bring me into this. Or do you just want to have a bate?" I hid my knife in the sleeve of my arm. I have an idea.

The moment he opened his mouth I made my way towards him. Now we are less then 2cm apart from each other. I am just gonna let my womanness take over for a second.

„Or do you just want to see my pretty face mh?" I looked up to him while cupping his face with my left hand, and then I gave him a cut on the cheek.

He immediately grabbed my arm and took my knife.

„Why did you do that?" He asked. Gosh so aggressiv.

I shrugged, „who knows?"

„By the way. I'm not going to be there tomorrow. I'm really not interested. But you go have fun." I winked at him and walked out of my bedroom. I think i'm going to sleep on the couch tonight, I mean why in the world would he come trough the window?! Does he really think he's a bat. Jesus christ he could have just knocked.

-Time skip Funeral.

Bruce Wayne PoV:

I was on the way to the church. Still thinking about what happend yesterday. Is she really not going to be here? She is very much involved in this whole Drama. How can she be so selfish?!

I arrived and walked in. So many people, is the Riddler going to be here. Where is he? Did I already pass him? Many thoughts ran trough my head but they got cut off by a person.

„Hello Mr. Wayne. Im bella Réal, I would like to talk to you about your family being generous is the past, building orphanages, giving money away. But you seem to not do anything." She said looking straight into my eyes. I looked away, this is not the right place to talk about stuff like this. Then my eyes landed on the boy, that poor kid.

„I'm going to to offer my condolences." And just like that she was gone. I now just stood there, thinking of doing the same. But my head wad filled with other stuff.
Did she really not come? 4 eyes see better then 2. Goddamnnit.

I once again looked around, and now I saw a person standing against a wall, wearing a black hoddie and black pants. I knew this Person looked straight to me.
They were wearing a hood so I can't see their face, but I can feel their stares.
Then, they took it off.

She came...

She pointed to the cut I had on my cheek. Slowly I moved my hand to touch it.

Oh no.

Now she has her hands over her head, and with her hands she tried to make bat ears.

I'm fucked.
I was about to make  my way towards her, maybe I would be able to clear things up? That was when I heard screams. I looked to where they came from.

The screams got louder and louder, and then I heard a car engine. What is going on?

I looked around for the kid. But he was gone, and so was Kyana. What in the world. I wanted to go look for them, when I felt like I was being watched.

And there he was.

Looking down on everyone, and especially me. He started to walk away, and with that a car came with full speed into the church.

New Update, hope everyone enjoys it.
Kinda not liking this chapter buuuuut whatever

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