From then on the conversation got overly science-y, which I was almost sure Stark was doing to show off, like always. All of us were lost except for Stark and Banner. Fury walked into the room.

"Dr Banner is only here to track the cube, I was hoping you might join him."

"That sticky thing. It works an awful lot like a hydro weapon." Captain said.

"I don't know about that, but it's definitely powered by the cube."

"HA! I was right!" I leapt up. "Whoop whoop!"

Everyone stared at me before turning their attention back to Fury.

"I'd also like to know how he managed to turn to of the sharpest men I know into his personal flying monkeys."

"Flying monkeys?" I held in my laugh at Thor's utterly confused expression. "I do not understa-"

"I do!" Steve said excitedly, before realizing how stupid he sounded. "I... understood that reference."

Stark rolled his eyes before leaving the room with Bruce.

A while later Steve and I entered the nerd's lab, only to see Stark poking an hideously pointy... thing into Bruce's side before staring him in the eyes.

"Hey! Are you nuts?!"

"No. He's Tony." I said, earning glares all around.

"Why is she here again?"

"Because I am trained in badassery, unlike you."

"You know what?" Stark put down whatever he was fiddling with. "I don't even know why they bought you here. We have Natasha and Barton for fighting in your style. You aren't unique here. You aren't needed."

"Do you know what? You're right. You don't need me." I shrugged, a mischevious look on my face.

I turned to walk out.

"But Loki might."


I didn't carry out my threat. I wasn't about to join the side that would very likely loose. Instead I returned to my room and browsed Netflix on my beloved laptop. Finally, I settled on Vampire Diaries and settled back to enjoy the show (Or more specifically the fine men that are in it).

Soon after, there was a banging on the door.

"Open up!"

I ignored them.

"Open up or we'll break down the door!"

I sighed and went to the door. As soon as I unlocked it four soldiers burst in pinning me to the wall and fixing handcuffs onto my wrists.

"What the hell? I'm on your side!"

"Direct orders from Director Fury miss."

"Well, you could've asked nicely."

They marched me down the corridor and into the conference room overlooking the deck, which we were in earlier. Everyone was there.

"What the hell is going on Fury?!"

The soldiers pushed me into a seat before removing my handcuffs and leaving the room. I rubbed my wrists.

"You just threatened to join they enemy, who is currently being held on this ship. I'm not going to take that lightly."

"It was a joke! Far out. It was just because HE-" I pointed at Stark who feigned innocence, "Was pissing me off."

"Even so. You are a liability. We didn't trust you before and what trust we had is now gone. We cannot risk you betraying us."

"You were the one who brought me here in the first place! What you going to do? Throw me off the ship? Kick me off the team?"

"That is exactly what we are going to do."

I looked around at everyone.

"Is no one going to back me up here? Steve? Bruce?"

Steve spoke up.

"Stark showed us your file."

"And? I did warn you as to what I had done, don't be surprised."

"Stark showed us this."

He pushed a tablet towards me and I picked it up, playing the CTVV footage that was on it. I played it, only needing to watch the first few seconds to know what it was. I pushed the tablet back at him.

"Do you know why I did that?"

"No, but-"

"But what? It's inexcusable? Well, yeah, it is. I've done terrible things to save my own skin. I'm not a hero, you have to understand that."

"It's not right."

"In your books it isn't. Do you know what gets me about this situation? There are people on board here who have was more blood on their hands than me, and yet you're singling me out."

"Those people are trustworthy and have been in service for years. You have been here for three days and have already had more success with talking to Loki than any of us. That suggests more than good interrogation skills." Fury said. They weren't going to be swayed from their preempted opinion.

"Fine! Lock me up!" I hissed. "But you had better know. You've now got on my bad side, and that is never a good position to be in."

I held out my hands for them to handcuff, which they did, before marching me away accompanied by six guards. I recognized where we were going and grinned. Not a good move, not a good move at all. I supposed they thought it'd be easier to keep an eye on us when together.

They walked me into the room where Loki's cell was. Loki was sitting down against one of the walls. He looked up and grinned.

"Stay back, Loki." One of the guards said.

He stood and retreated to the opposite side of the cell. The guards opened the door and pushed me in, closing the door behind me and leaving.

"So, what did you do this time?" He inquired. I rolled my eyes.

"I threatened to join your side because Stark was being an ginormous asshat. They took it seriously and now look where I am." I frowned. "They didn't even give me my laptop."

"Laptop?" He looked confused.

"It's a box that... Never mind. It's a pathetic mortal thing." I sighed, already partially bored.

"So, they've thrown you in here now? For how long?"

"They've kicked me out from the Avengers, so I'm now classified as a wanted criminal. I'll probably end up on death row."

Loki grinned.

"I can change that."

"Do tell."

"Join me."

"Aw, I don't know." I looked up at the security camera and gave it a wicked grin. "What's in it for me?"

"You live and..." He considered me. "I won't kill you."

"Like you could. You don't even have your glow stick."

He glared at me.

"Like I need that."

"Oh really?" I leaned forward slightly. "What other weapons do you like?"

"Not here. But do you accept my offer?"

"I do. I do indeed."

Who would win?

Quicksilver VS Scarlett Witch

Lies (A Loki/Avengers fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now