Chapter 20 | Our Story Isn't Perfect, But It's Ours

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Aaaaaaa this is it!!!!

Long chapter titles/weird chapter titles?? Or just weird titles in general?? Couldn't be me haha.

Are you ready for this? The last chapter? I don't think I am.

Hmmm how long will this chapter be? Probably long haha.

March 20th = 20th chapter. This story was started on February 20th, and the 20th chapter is on March 20th.

Get ready for one last roller coaster of a chapter.

Enjoy! :)


Everyone gravitates toward Jack and David as they come outside. Everyone crowds around, anxious to hear what they have to say.

Jack bends down and whispers into Les's ear. Sarah and David exchange glances, both with a grin on their face. Jack puts Les on his shoulders. Then, both of them having both their fists raised high, Jack shouts for everyone to hear, "WE BEAT 'EM!"

The crowd errupts with eardrum shattering cheering and shouting.

So maybe there are more details involved. He can get to those later.

Besides, now is the time for celebration.

And wow is this a sight.

All around them there are happy faces. There's triumph, and happy incredulous disbelief, and relief, and too many other emotions to describe.

Blink and Mush cheer, and kiss quickly, both beaming.

Spot and Race dance around, then upon realizing how silly they must look, they stop, blushing. But they still can't stop smiling at each other, and burst out laughing.

David hugs Jack and suddenly Jack is whole again.

Everywhere you look, people are celebrating in their own ways.

The sheer power of this crowd is amazing.

They've never felt anything like this ever before.

Race looks back to the entrance to The World, and his eyes widen. He taps Jack's shoulder. "Dear me!" he says loudly in Jack's ear. "What have we here!" He points at what he sees.

All of the World's employees, including Weasel and the Delanceys, are leaving, all looking humiliated and trying to stay as dignified as possible. That gets Jack to crack a smile.

The newsies have won. That's getting more obvious by the moment. And it feels amazing. 

But suddenly, Les cries out, concern in his voice. "It's the bulls!" He pats Jack's shoulder frantically. "You gotta run!"

Jack puts Les down and swivels to try to figure out what is happening. When he spots the police, his face once again goes to the one emotion David never wanted to see on Jack's face again: genuine fear.

"You gotta go! Now!" everyone frantically starts trying to help Jack get away.

Denton comes over to them. "Wait! Jack, it's over."

Not understanding what he meant, all the newsies shout things at Denton indignantly and keep tugging Jack to go the other way.

Denton grabs Jack's arm. "No, that's not what I meant. I meant you no longer have to run." He waits for them to stop moving and actually listen to what he's saying. "Not from the likes of him."

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