Chapter 2 | Eventful Morning

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Wow, first chapter down, a lot more to go haha.

I like this chapter :)

Enjoy! :)


Only thoughts of Jack and his mischievous eyes and his smug grin and his shiny hair and his perfect face and his soft voice fill David's mind.

David shakes his head in attempt to clear it.

It's just ... he was doing so well.

But seeing Jack again has brought back up to the surface a lot of what David had once tried so hard to keep buried.

Ugh, David groans internally. I can't even think straight because of him.

How could David have been so foolish as to think he could temporarily be a newsie and never run into Jack?

It doesn't matter, though. David's going to avoid Jack. Surely it can't be that hard. He just has to make sure they never interact again.

When David and Les arrive at the circulation center, there's already a line, and plenty of newsies just hanging around, talking, smoking, not a thing could possibly bother them.

David was never quite sure how their lifestyle worked. He knows for a fact being a full-time newsie would stress him out. But these kids manage to put on a brave face. Somehow.

"Morning, yer honor," Race crows when it's his turn to buy papes. "Say, will you spot me fifty papes? I got a hot tip on the fourth, won't waste your money." Hands moving as speaks, swag as smooth as a knife cutting through butter. He lights a cigarette. He's asked if he's sure, to which he replies, "Aw yeah. Not like last time." He smirks as he gets away with his little act, and sits down next to Jack.

David is waiting in line patiently. Les sits down, talking to someone else. David isn't necessarily looking at who it is. The less he interacts with anyone, the better.

"Look at this," Race notes out loud. "Baby born with two heads." He pauses and shrugs. "Must be from Brooklyn." He smirks at his comment. Of course, the person the jab was meant for isn't anywhere near here. So only Jack and this random little youngster hear his words.

David's next in line. The guy behind the counter looks at him with a sneer in his glare and a scowl on his face, the combination practically asking David whaddaya want? with full hostility and animosity. 

David just wants to make this as quick as posssible. In and out, and then I won't run into Jack. "Twenty papers, please," David asks as politely as he can, the way his parents raised him to be.

Still the man scowls at him.

Maybe some people are never meant to be pleasant people to be around.

If this is going to become a routine, the summer is going to get long.

As quick as he can, David counts the papers, just making sure he has all his papers before he leaves. Seventeen, eighteen, nineteen...

There's not a twentieth paper.

Surely this is just a simple mistake.

Still, before doing anything, David hesitates.

"Hey kid, you got your papes, now move along!" the man snarls, startling David back to the present moment.

"I paid for twenty, and I only got nineteen," David explains honestly. This is just a small misunderstanding. Surely it will all be over soon-

"Are you accusin' me of lyin'?" the man shouts.

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