Chapter 16 | Lowest Moment

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So. I'm back. 

Things here aren't looking so hot in this story.

Yes, things get worse ... but things are also on their way to getting better.

Enjoy! :)


Jack made a mistake.

A horrible, horrible mistake.

And he can't do anything to fix it.

He wakes up this morning in a basement.

No Kloppman to shout at everyone to get up.

No newsies moving around sleepily as they start their morning routine.

He is completely and utterly alone.

He went to sleep last night feeling awful, and he's not feeling any better now.

And to add on to all that, he has to carry the banner in the worst way possible: working for Pulitzer. As a scab.

The idea of getting out of this basement and starting the day just got less appealing.

But he has to.

Because he's not allowed to not get up for the day.

Because the world--and The World--won't let him not get up and go sell papes.

And so, slowly, he stands up and heads upstairs to the circulation center.

His fine clothes of fine fabric are suffocating.

Just like this whole situation.

But he just has to get through it.

And once he does, he's out of here. He can finally, finally get to Santa Fe.

Not yet, though.

"Did ya have a nice beauty sleep, Cowboy?" Weasel sneers as he gets 100 papes for Jack.

Jack doesn't answer.

The Delanceys come up next to him. The more he ignores them, the better.

But they won't let him ignore them.

"You know this don't mean we're exactly on the same side, right Cowboy?" Oscar jeers in his ear. 

"If you think we're on the same side, you're dreamin'," Jack mutters, turning to walk away.

Oscar's next words stop him in his tracks. "Why don't ya come with us? We're gonna fix your pal David. Fix him so he can't walk-"

"SHUT UP." Before Jack knows what's happening, he's suddenly all up in Oscar's face.

"Hey! Hey!" Weasel yells. "Lift one finger, Cowboy, and it's right back to the Refuge."

Jack doesn't make a move, nostrils flaring. And, because he has no choice, he eases off and walks away.

He sighs to himself when it's just him and his thoughts again. He tries to forget yesterday. But it will forever be in his mind, haunting him for eternity. The hatred on everyone's faces. Everyone he's ever cared about.

The look on David's face.

And now Jack can't stop thinking about him.

The thing is, he knows that their love was doomed from the start.

They were never meant to last forever.

Nothing lasts forever. Not childhood, not being a newsie, not who's your friend or who's your lover. The only thing that will last forever is this city, with the rich on top and the poor with no way to rise up or to get a fair share, trapping everyone in these lives that they've been born into.

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