Chapter 14 | Betrayal

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So ... things didn't end well.

And ... things aren't getting better ...

So, however you can...

Enjoy! :)


"Stop the world! No more papes! Stop the world! No more papes!"

The newsies are back at it. They need to prove that they can and will keep at this. Even if they are missing Jack.

And, as they agreed yesterday at Irving Hall, their ways of carrying out matters will be more peaceful today, which David is grateful for.

Last night ... David doesn't know what to think of it. The way Jack was acting ... there must have been a reason. But what? David truly doesn't know. He hopes that wherever Jack is right now, he's doing alright.

Suddenly, the gates to the circulation center open, and the crowd of newsies is pushed backward.

David knows that some aren't going to take kindly to scabbers, and this could potentially get messy quickly.

"Race!" David calls out as he's being pushed back. "Race, help me here!"

"Alright! I ain't deaf!" Race snaps. 

"Hey." Spot puts a hand on Race's shoulder. "It's okay."

Race inhales deeply.

Spot knows that Race is worried about Jack. He is too. But he knows about Race and Jack's special connection, so he tries comforting Race in the only way he knows how. He knows that it's not much, though.

He averts his gaze, not knowing what to do. He looks at the people on the other side of the now-opened gate. The line of scabbers. One of them is someone who he would recognize anywhere, but the face isn't matching the outfit, nor the action.

His heart stops.

It can't be.

He turns back to Race. "Race-hey, Race."

"What?" Race asks, turning to face him, slouching so he looks up at Spot.

"Just, just tell me I'm seeing things," Spot says, indicating to the scabbers.

Race's eyes widen. "You ain't seein' things. That's Jack."

What's he doing dressed up as a scab?

Newsies begin murmuring things like "What's he doing?" "What's going on?" "That's Jack!" "Why's Jack there?"

No one knows what to do.

Jack refuses to meet any of their gaze.

"Jack?" Mush asks softly, coming to the front. There are police preventing them from coming up to the scabbers, so he comes as close to edge as he dares. His expression is hurt, his eyebrows knotted, mouth in a frown. "Jack, look at me, it's me, Mush-"

There are more newsies clamoring now, some looking as hurt and betrayed as Mush, others are full of outrage and hatred.

Jack closes his eyes. He knew this was going to be the reaction.

And he deserves it. He knows he does.

How he hates this moment. But he's trapped.

He's trapped in more ways than any of them could imagine.

"What is this?" Boots shouts. "What are you doin', Jack?"

"This can't be happening!" Blink exclaims angrily. "This can't be happening!"

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