Chapter 13 | A Trying Night

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Okay so there's gonna be a lot going on here.

Well then.

Enjoy! :)


For David, night can't come soon enough.

He leads Les, Race, Blink, Mush, and Boots as stealthily as possible through the quiet streets of New York.

Finally, they reach the Refuge.

David points at the building, one that he wasn't sure he would see again this soon. "That's where we saw Crutchy."

That's when David notices the carriage nearby. What's that for?

He finds out when he sees two men lead Jack out to it.

"There he is!" Les exclaims, not too loud that the men hear him definitely, but loud enough to make the older newsies frantically shush him.

"Where are they takin' him, Dave?" Mush asks.

"I don't know," David answers, focused only on Jack. "But I'm going to find out." He stops, trying to think this through. He pushes Les lightly to Race. "Racetrack, watch him." He starts heading out into the street and then jumps on to the back of the carriage, leaving the others to watch him silently, hoping that everything will turn out just fine.


Jack bites his lip as he examines Pulitzer's office. He can practically hear his heart pounding. He looks around the room. He already wants to be out of it.

Better than the Refuge, he tries to reason with himself. Maybe. But it really isn't.

He wants to be anywhere but here.

He wants to be on the train to Santa Fe, escaping this whole mess.

He wants to be back at the lodging house.

He wants to watch Blink and Mush be sappy and love. He wants to watch Race and Snipeshooter bicker over a cigar. He wants to watch Skittery tell Tumbler that he'll chase the nightmares away. He wants to watch newsies gamble on the floor. He wants to hear them complain about getting up in the morning. He wants them all.

He wants to be where David is.

He wants to be in David's arms, hear David tell him that everything is going to be okay.

He wants to tell David that he truly is sorry for what happened back then. That he wants them to be better. 

He wants to tell David that he never stopped loving him.

His thoughts are interrupted when Pulitzer finally enters.

Jack stands still, completely paralyzed, unsure of what to do.

Pulitzer gestures to a chair. "Sit."

Reluctantly, Jack does.

"When I was your age, boy," Pulitzer starts, "I was in a war. The Civil War."

"Yeah, I've heard of it," Jack responds quietly. "So, did you win?"

Pulitzer eyes him. "People think that war is about wrong and right. That's not correct. What it really is about, is power."

"Yeah, I heard that too," Jack says. "I don't just sell your papes, Joe. Sometimes I read 'em."

Pulitzer continues on. "The power of the press is the most powerful one of all. I tell the city how to act, how to think. I shape it's future." He pauses before moving on to his next point. "I have the power to see to it you are sent right back to the Refuge-"

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