Chapter 21 : Boomslang Skin and Feathers

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After the disastrous Duel Club Meeting, everything one could hear about was how Harry Potter was the Heir Of Slytherin. Xan grew tired of the various theories he had to listen to, which included but were not limited to- Potter has a fetish for Snakes, He was possessed by Salazar, He wanted to be the next You-know-who, He hated unicorns etc. by far the most most interesting one was also the one which set off Jae, making him smack into his 5 inch thick Transfiguartion Guide. Hayley had trouble controlling her expressions when she heard a second year girl whisper "I Knew it when I saw he had green eyes,".

Students were becoming more and more eager to return home.

"Are you going home?" Hayley asked to Jae,

"No, I'm staying," Jae nodded as they were coming out of their last class for the day.

Hayley didn't admit it outloud but she was glad that Jae wasn't leaving, it would've gotten too lonely for her without him and Xan. She also felt a little bad for feeling the way, as it was his first christmas away from his family.

Xan looked down at the floor, as though he felt left out that he wouldn't spend the holiday with them. the three walked out of their third lesson for the day, History Of Magic.

"Herbology is cancelled right?" asked Xan,

"Yeah, Professor Sprout needs to take care of the Mandrakes, the whether is getting cold," said Jae, Hayley nodded meaningfully. The mandrakes were crucial to treat those who were petrified, so it made sense that it was Professor Sprout's first priority.

"Slytherins are practicing today, want to come watch?" asked Xan,

"Sure!" said Jae

"No!" said Hayley, Xan looked at her as though she grew two heads,

"Why?" asked Xan furrowing his brows,

"I need to write that essay on Boomsalng skin for Snape," Hayley replied motioning to the huge potions book in her hand,

"He really likes you," said Jae.


Later the evening Hayley went to the library to get started with the essay. She walked to farther end of the library and slumped her books.

Two and a half hours later she completed the essay and decided to return to the common room. On her way out in the corridor, she saw a very frantic looking Ginny Weasley. She looked a bit disheveled, her robes were covered in mud and looked damp. Hayley hadn't really talked much to her since Hogwarts express, but she decided to approach the girl.

"Hey you look a bit-well.." Hayley trailed off looking at Ginny, now that she was close she could see some feathers oddly sticking from her hair and clothes,

"I'm fine." said Ginny in a clipped tone.

"You've actually got a bit-" started Hayley, pointing to those orange feathers,

"I have to go," Ginny said hurriedly before walking off in the opposite direction. She looked very frantic.

"Well that was weird," Hayley mumbled as she began walking once more.

After keeping her books in the dorm she went to the Great Hall where Xan and Jae were already waiting for her, having a very animated conversation about Quidditch.

"How was the practice?" Asked Hayley,

"Good, you finished the essay?" Jae asked, serving himself some potatoes,

"Yes! Who knew the skin of a snake could be so bloody useful, I mean it's used in a wide variety of potions, potions which are so powerful, " Hayley said,

"Show me that essay later, I wanna read it, " Jae said with an eager smile,

Though Hayley paid little heed to him, she had just remembered something,

"You look like you're about to pop a nerve, " Xan said noting her stiff position,

"Oh my god! You both! I saw Boomslang skin in that lavatory! Which means if I could find the potions which they are used in and shortlist them with the ingredients I previously recognised, we could actually find out what the potion is!" Hayley said trying her best to keep her voice low,

"That's brilliant! " Jae whisper shouted, lightly pumping his fist in the air,

"We could do that pretty quickly I think, you already have all the ingredients you previously saw tabulated and classified, " Xan added smiling.

The rest of the evening went by with them discussing what potion it might be. Hayley also told them about her encounter with Ginny, which both Xan and Jae agreed was weird.


Turned out, finding the potion was not as easy as it had seemed last night.

"I know it seems hard, but if we keep on working I'm sure we can find something, " Jae said briskly, as they walked out of their transfiguration class. He had his nose buried deep into Hayley's notes on Boomslang Snakes.

"Remind me again why you can't just ask your friend Granger about this? It would all be a lot more simple, " Xan said sulking,

"Now where's the fun in that?" Hayley asked nonchalantly, as she sifted through the pages of a book which seemed to weigh atleast seven pounds.

Just then they saw Hagrid, their game keeper walking along the corridor carrying something.

"What is that? " Xan asked scrunching his face,

"A rooster, a dead Rooster," Jae said eyeing the creature in pity,

Something about the rooster seemed familiar to Hayley, a few moments it clicked to her.

"The feathers," She mumbled,
"They are the same as the ones I saw on Ginny yesterday, " She said,

"Why would she kill a rooster? " Xan questioned to himself,

Before they could discuss further they heard Peeves, the poltergeist screaming at the top of his lungs,


The three of them shared a look before running to the direction where the noise came from.

By the time they had reached a bundle of crowd was already there. Justin Fletchley was lying on the floor with a look of shock in his face. He didn't move even a tiny bit, it was as though he was made of stone. Next to him was Nearly Headless Nick, who no longer looked pearly white, but looked black and smokey and was lying horizontally just slightly above the ground. And then there was Harry Potter standing in the right smack middle of it all.

He looked like he wanted to say something but no words came out, he looked around desperately, as though convincing people around that it wasn't him.

The group of second year hufflepuffs started throwing accusations at him. Professor McGonagall came and shooed of the crowd and walked somewhere, taking Potter along with her.

"Honestly can that guy spend one day without being the talk of the school, " Xan said, trying to break the tension in the air, but Hayley and Jae still remained silent, glancing back at the petrified people.

"The heir really holds a grudge, they didn't even stop from attacking a ghost, " Hayley said slowly, to which Jae sighed.

The three then walked off to their next lesson in silence, hearing students say that Hogwarts was feeling much more unsafe.

.・゜-: ✧ :-  -: ✧ :-゜・.

Pic credits to the rightful owners.

We crossed 900 reads 🥺🥺😭♥️♥️♥️. Never have I eevvveeerr thought this could be read by so many ppl manh. I know it's kinda crappy and that my updates are very erratic but this still makes me happy.

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With love ♥️
K. T Scarlett.

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