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"I would never fall in love again until I found her

I said I would never fall unless it's you I fall into"

The music softly swayed into the living room, where the two hopeless lovers moved from side to side. They weren't really dancing no, they were just holding each other close. Star moved closer to Moon even further, tucking her chin over Moon's shoulder. Oh! the love they felt since the last decade of togetherness - not just as lovers but classmates, friends and even coworkers at one point. Now they love together in a house made by them for them.

Every corner of the house touched by the grace of a love they hold, a love that should've casted both of them to hell. Instead this hellish love made Earth heavenly for them - for the tabby cat - Crystal and the bichon dog - Snowy  they adopted from the shelter three years back. 

Love comes in many different forms and ways, there's love everywhere, however only some get to experience it actively instead of having it as a passing notion. 

Star couldn't let that happen, since the day she stepped in her fifth school as a transfer student, she found herself drawn to Moon, the way they carried themselves, their way of talking, their passion for writing and witty remarks laced with sarcasm. In the last year of school, finally Star became close friends through mutual interests, if she observed and learned those same interests to have common topics to talk to Moon, well no one needs to know that. 

Though on their fifth friendversary, when Star would confess the same with blush rising from her cheeks, Moon would laugh their pearly laugh and it would become a precious memory. 

If this made Moon's heart burst in adoration, as they recalled the cute way they would see Star try to gauge their reactions when she asked about the latest episode of the recent anime they had recommended to someone else that Star had eavesdropped on. Well, no one needed to know that either. 

The sixth year was a turmoil, with college entrance exams and the forbidding anguish of moving away, from each other, from familiarity, from their homes. They spoke but tethered on eggshells, always careful of the other's state of mind. What if one word could tip both their futures into something even darker than the moonless night? It would end up in a disaster. Added to that, their feelings rose like the waves in the middle of the ocean during a storm, almost pulling them under. Both ached with the one they thought they wouldn't be able to give or receive. 

Seventh year was the year that things settled, they ended up staying in their hometowns, thankfully getting into colleges. With stress free minds and a freedom that came with being college students, they were delighted. For once they could do things that were always asked for, needed permission. And of course they started hanging out even more, outside of school uniforms.

Museums, parks, sanctuaries, rivers even beaches they visited everything, sometimes with others sometimes. just the two of them. It was amazing, the bubble they had created around them hummed in a new sort of love. the sort of love that stays- the one that feels like home. something that will be there even if they fade away for years and they meet again they'd still be in love.

Where last year, this same love agonised them, this year the love helped them calm their hearts.

 It was warmth and sweet autumn and sun rays on your face. 

Just one look and they knew they loved each other, word were immaterial when their souls loved each other, what would mere three words do? The three words were an understatement to the magnitude of relief they felt in each other. 

Yet, Star couldn't stop herself, she needed to tell them. Needed to let them know that even the merest three words were only for them. 

So she did.

On a Christmas morning, with the cold outside and the naked trees wobbling from side to side, and the whistling wind helping the morning birds fly, Star woke with a feverish feeling. She was going to do it. She was going to finally tell Moon about her feelings, she knew they would accept them, and even if they didnt, Moon wouldn't go away from her. Yet the nervousness froze her mind.

She had practised for half a year now. 

On autopilot she sent Moon the message to meet at the sanctuary, the first place they visited with their newfound freedom. She tucked all the things she wanted to gift while asking her in the bag that Moon had given to her three years back from one of their holiday trips. 

The thirty minutes bus ride passed in a second to Star. Soon she found herself looking at Moon who looked perplexed and worried. they asked Star if she was fine, and she nodded a yes.

her voice died in her throat so she motioned them to go inside the sanctuary. Taking the lead, Star stood in front of a banyan tree. With shaking hands she took  out the card, the shell necklace that she had made, a scarf she had knitted of light pink colour, a usb and a notebook.

Moon had a surprised pikachu face but they accepted all of them. Slowly their eyes filled to the brim with tears as they realised the contents of the gifts. Softly, almost in a whisper, Star mumbled the words. Moon looked up and as their eyes locked it was almost like the skies cleared up and all the clouds parted for the sunlight to stream on both their faces, illuminating them in  celestial light. 

And if they walked together, holding hands and swinging their arms; and if Moon put hitter head on Star's shoulder on the bus ride back; and if their hearts were light with the love they held - well no one needed to know that, except themselves.

Seven more years later, on their seventh anniversary, they found themselves siting on the sofa overlooking the Christmas tree, underneath which were multiple gifts. Gifts from each other and gifts of friends and family. Snowy and Crystal lay by the turtle tank they had bought last year with a small red earned terrapin waddling in the water. 

They liked to call each other their own Christmas miracles, for they finally named themselves each others on the Christmas morning and yet seven years later they still found themselves draped in the same love. 

Their sort of love was like wine, better with age. How amusing they had found it at first, wasnt love supposed to be passionate, something that makes you breathless? Yet they found it easier to breathe around each other and even a thought of the other made them fond.

Maybe seven more years later they'd be somewhere else, or paying medical bills, the one surety they'd be together. 

As they swayed in the music with Snowy and Crystal now circling by their feet, they thanked whoever was up there that they found each other. 

"I was lost within the darkness, but then I found her I found you"

                                                                       ✧༺♥༻∞  ∞༺♥༻✧

Extra note:-

Can you guess im a little bit too deep :3 but hey I actually like liking them so I dont mind though I do wish I could just all the things as well to that person cause they deserve all the good things in life and stuff you know?

wow, so um wow I didn't think I was gonna write this until I started writing :D I have no idea what plot I was going for and sorry for the non-linear narrative I dont even know- though I kind of like it though.

this was more of a warm-up exercise but I feel like I just realised something I didnt even know myself while writing lol

Please comment if you like it! or give a vote ^v^// or just read and enjoy :p

also the lines in italic and bold and underlined are from the song 

"Until I Found You  by Stephen Sanchez"

I love the song tbh I dont know it just makes you feel a sort of way 

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