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In your arms, by the nightfall

If only, I knew that we were supposed to dance the night away

 I would've held for longer babe. 

But it seems like the day came fast, 

and the night slipped into the past 

and I still wait, for you love

for your love and care

Honey doesnt it seem, like the sky is falling down free 

past our shoulders to our knees, should we be standing 

out here in the breeze, where our heads

would collide with the universe wide

cant I ever hold you down, wont we ever fly around

like clouds in the valleys and roses in the fields

like lilies in the watery swamps and feathery light leaves

baby, cant I hold you another time where we smile at each other every night

'fore I sleep, can I kiss your feet

can I lay my head down in your lap, ask you to stroke my hair till that 

time where I look up and stare in your eyes, 

youre eyes they glitter like sparkles and they shine

where I wouldn't find, oh the memories of the last years

that we spent under this sky that spreads over 

the vast seas and oceans the rocks and the covens

I feel that I was made for your love and affection

darling, hold on to my arms and sway in the sun

let me pull you closer still, take a breath of your laugh

hold you on for the last times of our lives till the black colour fades away

tell me hold, till our skin is filled with tubes and x-rays of old ashen bones we sway still

in the sunlight , kiss me in the moonlight

let me hear your sing one last time 

before we sleep, again side by side.




Fuck the moon, I want to dance in the sunlight. Let the warm rays fall on my arms.

No, I dont want to dwell in the darkness anymore, let me see how the sunlight flickers and dances. How it brings out your freckles, and you blush under it

Let me dance in the sunlight in the meadows with swaying grass. With flowers in bloom and the breeze flirting with your dress.

Let me see you, Im tired of finishing your curves with my imagination where the slivers of moonlight cannot reach.


^^ I was gonna include this but I couldn't find a place :^ also poems after I dont know how long lol, I was singing while writing so I have no idea if it even makes sense :3 still enjoy lol

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