College is hard and she was allowed to take a break from her duties so she studied at different city and let go of him. Thinking about him is automatic, at first that occurence is so frequent that she got frustrated. Now, she still thinks about him but it happens seldomly, like when she notices a kid riding a scooter or when there's a clumsy kid that is continuously saying sorry.

They did not talk to each other after the break up and they hardly have anytime, their peers (to their relief) did not talk about the fall out of said duo and while no one commented about it, they are informed of how is who from the whispered gossips that eventually is still alive after three years.

In fact they can only blink twice when they found out what career path the other took. Okay, Alicia is great, she is smart but he never thought Alicia would want to become a psychiatrist. And while Ali can kill gossips with effort, Alicia would never see Ali to be following his Dad's footsteps. Then again, they did not know the changes that happened within three years.

He turned back and head to the exit as his hand itched to fish his phone out of his pocket. While his mind is thinking of her number that he deleted in his contact but his brain chose to remember, he did not even know if she is still using it and if so, what should he say? she did not like holidays that much.

Alicia blinked twice noting that her stop is near. She picked up her bags and couple of paper bags that contains different gifts, afterall it is holiday and she rarely go home so it is not questionable. A rushing man on the phone bumped into her and an indigo paperbag fell on the floor, a name can be seen on the cloth. Alicia hurriedly picked it up and folded it neatly.

In the train's window, Ali can be seen mumbling by himself as he approached the opened doors of the train, civilians are rushing to get out and some to get in, he didnt even noticed that he halted as he muttered under his breath.

" I'm not looking for her, she did not even go home for christmas so what did I expect? "

" Besides there is no words going around that she will come home"

He repeated the same phrase inonce more as he continues to walk, however he did saw her among all the people exiting the train. The couple walking beside him could hear the gasp he let out as he recognized her. In fact, he walked fast, agitated, feeling adrenaline pumping in his veins as his heart thump loudly in his chest and unfortunately the door closed when he is just a couple of steps near.

" ICIA! "
Hey Alicia, it's me....... do you.........


Her room is the same just how she left it, that is what she first noticed, her book is still opened in that page and her old phone is still beside it. She decided to charge it and open it later since she is back, maybe she'll go to MATA later.

" Its really you, long time no see " she know whose voice was that and while she did not expect that he'll greet her she'll take it.

" You did not seem surprise "

" I saw you earlier at the station and found out that you notified the other's excluding me " she could almost say sorry if not him looking like a brat.

Her phone rang and Ali is not even surprised--though Alicia can hardly be someone's beck call, she must be busy, turns out her acquaintance is having a hard time with her research and she would like her help when she is free. Ali glared at her as Alicia muttered a reply and took the chance to hold her hand to lead her outside the facility.

Alicia, of course agreed to what ever her colleague said and replied that she'll call again later as she followed Ali and descended from the stairs.

" Have you had dinner yet? " he asked as he pulled his hoverboard.

Ejen Ali Oneshots featuring AliliciaWhere stories live. Discover now