She was careful to not smudge her makeup since it took her about 2 hours to complete, so she was careful when cuddling up to Luca, who had one arm tightly wrapped around her waist, whilst the other was wrapped around her neck, his hand holding the...

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She was careful to not smudge her makeup since it took her about 2 hours to complete, so she was careful when cuddling up to Luca, who had one arm tightly wrapped around her waist, whilst the other was wrapped around her neck, his hand holding the phone to his ear steadily as he continued to speak in Italian to the person on the other end of the line.

Ricardo who had been watching the whole scene play out before him finally had enough, clenching his jaw in anger he yanked his arm away from the clingy blonde who whined in protest and stomped his way towards the two.

Luca who had noticed the charging man suddenly heading his way scrunched his brows in confusion and was about to question him when he received a powerful blow to the face sending him flying back, his grip quickly tightening around Andrea before he switched their positions so that he was the one to feel the impact of the hard concrete ground on his back and not the clueless girl.

"What the fuck!?! Luca are you ok?!? Answer me, LuLu!!"

Andrea yelled out worriedly, slapping the man's face causing him to groan out in pain as his hand reached up to grip at the girl's wrist to stop her from slapping him again.

"LuLu?? It's been a while since you last called me that A,"

Luca responded with a slight chuckle, also using his old nickname for her, his brows scrunched up in pain, although he tried hard to force a smile to not worry the poor girl any further. His hands rested comfortably at her hips, as her hands gripped at his suit angrily, it was one thing to mess with her, but another when you messed with her family.

Slowly pulling herself away from the injured man who didn't have the strength in him to stop her from what she was about to do, Andrea turned away from the wounded Luca who had moved to sit up and faced the very man who dared to put his hands on one of her loved ones.

"Amor I didn't mean to-"

Ricardo didn't get the chance to finish his sentence as Andrea instantly launched herself at him, her knee shooting up to knee him in the groin, before she gripped at the soft neatly combed locks and brought his face down to meet her knee halfway, blood spurting from his nose as she repeatedly bashed his face into her knee over and over again, her anger getting the best of her as she gritted her teeth in anger. Ignoring the voices of everyone around her who were too scared to pull her away, that they opted to just yell out her name in hopes of getting her to stop the assault on the poor man's face.

"Basta Cosi Drea you'll kill him!"

Antonio yelled out, as he hurriedly made his way over to the fuming girl and yanked her away from the poor man, Andrea fought hard in his grip as she growled, trying to break free and continue her damage on the man.

"You fucking piece of shit!! Chi ti credi di essere?!? How dare you put your hands on him!!"

Antonio struggled to keep the girl restrained, as the next thing he knew the girl had bitten him and scurried off towards the panting man, who had blood dripping down his face leaving him unrecognizable, as his appearance was left disheveled from Andrea grabbing at it.

"Don't. You. Dare. Ever. Come. Near. Me. And. My. Family. Again!"

Andrea finished, sending one last punch to the man's busted lip before she was pulled back by Giovanni and Leonardo, she instantly glared up at them threateningly, causing them to flinch back in fear as she broke out of their loosened grips and made her way towards Luca who had his head leaned up against one of the crates on the harbor.

"Are you ok??"

"I'm fine Drea, but I couldn't say the same about Mr. Armani, you didn't have to hit him that hard."

"That asshole deserved it, only I'm allowed to beat your ass."

Luca chuckled, shaking his head in amusement as he pulled the girl down into a hug, before reaching a hand up to brush the girl's crazy hair down.

"Can't have you looking like you just got dragged now can we, you still have a rat to catch"

Andrea only smiled in response as she playfully flicked his forehead gently, before they were interrupted by a shrieking Catherine who had gone to check on Ricardo, her shrilly voice yelling out insults directed to the brunette girl. Andrea sighed in annoyance as she left a quick kiss on Luca's forehead, before making her way towards the still shrieking blonde, and a heavily injured Ricardo who managed to pull himself off the ground, his eyes filled with pain as he stared at Andrea with a guilty look flashing through his ice blue orbs.

"How dare you hurt my Pookie bear!!"

"Well, maybe you should've learned how to control your dog better so he wouldn't have gotten hurt in the first place!"

"My Pookie bear is no dog!!"

"Really?? Because he sure as hell acts like one"

Andrea insulted, her breathing finally calming down as she answered the baffled blonde lazily, her hands twitching at her sides, as she tried hard to control them from reaching into her thigh holster and shooting these two dead.

"Next time my Pookie bear will definitely beat you and your little bf up!"

"There won't be a next time, because the second you or your bf think of even putting your filthy hands on my family again, I will make your very lives a living hell, that you'll beg me for your deaths."

"Is that a threat??"

Andrea chuckled humorously as she stepped to where she was touching noses with the blonde bimbo, her eyes burning with promise as she spoke her next words threateningly.

"E' una promessa."

Amor means Love in Italian

Basta Cosi means That's Enough in Italian

Chi ti credi di essere means Who Do You Think You Are in Italian

E' una promessa means It's A Promise in Italian

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