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Roses pov:

I woke up the next day in my bed with Lorenzo next to me, laid on his back. I smiled at him and put my hand on his stomach lightly. I stared at him for a while until Diego walked into my room. "Hey, your shit is here, we put it together." He told me. I stood up and left Lorenzo on my bed then walked downstairs to see three cribs and a car seat. "Can you help me take these upstairs please?" I asked the boys. "Yeah, of corse." Ralph and Alex grabbed one of the cribs, me and Diego got the other. Once we went into my room Diego attached one of them to my bed then we all put the other one in the corner of my room. "Why didn't you just give him his own room?" Ralph asked. "He's not staying forever." I smiled and picked Lorenzo up to put him in the crib in the corner.

A few minutes had passed, the boys were downstairs and I'd changed Lorenzo into a tiny Nike tracksuit. I walked downstairs with him and got his bottle from the kitchen then held it up to his mouth. I walked into the living room and gave Lorenzo to to Alex. "Be fucking careful with him." I warned. "Sure." He held him. I then walked to the gym to work out since I've had a break for a few days.

After about an hour I walked back upstairs and saw Diego asleep on the couch with Lorenzo also asleep on his chest. I told Alex to look after him, obviously he didn't though. I smiled and took a picture then heated a new baby bottle. After that I walked over to the couch and sat down next to Diego. I put my finger onto Lorenzo's hand, he soon held onto it, then I watched tv quietly.

A few minutes had passed then I heard a quiet. "Morning." From Diego. I turned to face him and smiled. "Good morning." He looked at Lorenzo then slowly lifted him up so he could sit up. Once he did that he cradled him and cuddled up to me. "Hey, where's Juno? I haven't seen him in a while." I looked around the room. "Oh, I'm not sure." Diego shrugged. I stood up and called out. "Juno?" But he didn't come running as he usually does. I walked around almost the whole house, no sign of him. I walked over to Alex's room and reluctantly knocked. "Come in." He yelled from the other side. I walked in slowly and saw Juno asleep on Alex's carpet. "Why's he in here." I asked, waking Juno up. "I don't know, he was in here when I got in here." Alex used his usual blunt replies. Once I got Juno up I left with him by my side and went up to my room to chill out for a bit.

Diego's pov:

Lorenzo was peaceful for once and just laying in my arms but I still don't like him very much. Why would I? He's not my baby, he's just a weird blob of fat that sleeps, shits, eats and cries. The only reason I'm looking after him is because it makes Rose happy. She's put so much effort in for this child and I just know she's gonna be heartbroken when he's gone so I'm trying to be nice to it.

I heard footsteps coming downstairs, hoping it was Rose I turned my head but I saw Ralph and turned back to Lorenzo bright blue eyes. "Why do people like these things?" I asked. "People normally don't like other babies, they like their own because they have to carry it for 9months." Ralph grabbed an apple at sat down next to me. "Well then why does Rose like this one so much?" I looked up. "Motherly instincts I guess, the baby was scared and alone with no parents, Rose saw that and wanted to look after him and make his life better." Ralph explained. "But he won't remember it." I handed Ralph the baby. "She will." He took it.

I stood up and sighed then walked upstairs, to Roses room. I knocked then walked in, she was laid on her bed under the covers with Juno next to her. I smiled and closed the door behind me. I assumed she was asleep since she didn't say anything or turn to face me. I laid down next to her and spooned her. Her eyes were closed, she looked so peaceful. "You're beautiful." I whispered. "God, I wish I could say it to your face, you're the best girl I've ever met. When I slept with you it was the best day of my life, you were amazing. I think i might...love you." I instantly regretted what I said and got up off the bed again. I put my hand over my face in embarrassment and walked out of her room. "Fuck!" I internally screamed.

Once I got to my room I sat on my bed and pulled my diary out of my drawer, I haven't written in it since I've been back.

"Dear diary, it's been a while.
I haven't written in here since around June, it's now November. When I last wrote in here life was normal, James was my boss, I was just Roses bodyguard and Lorenzo wasn't here. Before I left for the mission me a Rose had a...moment but when I was gone her and Alex started dating, it's still awkward between me and Alex but who cares? She got tattoos and dyed her hair, she changed but is somehow hotter but now Lorenzo's here that's all Rose pays attention to. I think I love Rose, I'm not sure but it's something I've never felt before. When I see her my heart feels like it's doing backflips, my stomach gets butterflies with butterflies and my pupils dilate more than ever. She's put in so much effort for Lorenzo but we all know he's gonna have to go sooner or later and it's going to kill Rose.
I'll try to write in here more.
Goodbye for now, Diego - 5/11/22"

I put my diary under my pillow and pen on my desk then laid down under the covers and fell asleep after a while but I couldn't stop thinking about Rose, what if she heard what I said?


Sorry for the short chapter and not posting that much, I'm gonna try to write more :)

Word count: 1094

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