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Harry Styles

I tried to carry Violet up to bed but she refused so we negotiated for the couch. Shes sitting there with Abby as I kiss her forehead in a goodbye. I kissed her whole goddamn face.

Walking away from them I stare up at the three other girls who are sitting at the top of the steps, I'm sure who are going to run down soon.

Theres too many people in this house.

Looking away I walk strongly to the back room.

Anger runs through my veins and I haven't felt like this in a long time.  My neck stretches to the side as I fist my hands tightly.

He touched my Violet.

With a gun in my waistline I press my hands to the door and open it to the dark lighting. A lamp is only on, shining into his eyes for the interrogation effect.

I shut the door, my eyes wandering to the blood pouring out of his shoulder and his bloody face  - courtesy of me.

I smile, "you've stirred up some trouble, haven't you?"

The man wheezes as he stirs. His hands and feet are tied up on a chair as he closes his eyes, trying to get his hands free as he bangs them against the chair.

Niall punches him in the face as his face turns to the side, spitting out blood in a breathless groan, "just stop." his arms continue to frail. "Please..."

Now I'm mad. "You know who else said stop?" I walk over to him as people happily clear my way. I grab his bloody shirt and hoist his slumped body higher. "That girl in your arms who was crying out for you to stop fucking touching her." He shakes his head like it didnt happen and I drop him to punch him in the face. "Im not fucking deaf."

Taking out my gun I click it back. Placing it against his forehead until Zayn speaks from behind.

"Not yet."

I press the gun harder.

"Harry... stop." Louis grunts, "this is the first time we can get valuable information."

Looking at him hardly I step back, placing my gun in my pocket before backing away. I walk until I'm at the corner of the room.

I'm waiting for my turn.

Zayn grabs a chair, dragging it in front of him before he flips it backwards and takes a seat. I watch as he taps his gun on the top of his chair. "Now, this can go one of two ways." he smiles, "either you be nice, participate and we might let you go... or 2," he looks back at me and points, "we do it his way. And his way is much worse than mine. He really fucking loves that girl you tried to kill..." he tilts his head, "His way could go on for hours and he'll keep ya alive until he gets what he wants."

The man tenses, eyes staring at him before me.

"Which way would you rather?" Zayn tests.

His voice croaks, "y-you." He whines.

"I'm assuming, that's me," Zayn says and when he get a a nod he starts. "What's your name."

He looks like he's about to piss himself.

Its not so nice when its the other way around, huh, champ.

His eyes widen before Zayn easily turns his gun to face him. He cooperates, "Tucker Jensen." he croaks.

Niall laughs, "Jesus fuck, did your mother have a brain in her head."

Zayn only rolls his eyes like were children. Hes always done that. "How did you find us?"

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