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Clutching the phone in my hands she simply leaves as she goes to whisper to Louis. They all stand by the counter before looking at us in worry.

Louis, Zayn and Niall all specifically sit close to us as the rest watch from the fridge.

The phone is in my chest as I hold it tight.

Harry's finger slides down my back in comfort but I can tell he is not cool as a cucumber. "Give them the phone, darling."

I shake my head. A weak voice comes out of me. "If we don't read it then we won't have to worry."

"Baby, that's not how it works."

Zayn and Louis eye each other hardly.

Harry's hand begins to slowly reach for my phone. I keep it tugged to my chest as tears brim my eyes. "But-"

"Sugar, you gotta let us see it."

"For your safety, darling." he kisses my cheek as his hands wrap around the phone in my hands. "Please."

"You guys are acting like this is going to be a bomb and you're ready to move at any moment." I take a breath, "you're freaking me out."

"Sugar?" his voice is almost sad. "I know we haven't done this in years but you know the protocol. Hell, you've experienced all our shit with us. This is just another thing we gotta do."

"I don't like getting text messages." last time it was getting my picture taken.

"Give him the phone, Sugar."

"It'll be okay." Zayn gives my foot a good knock.

I swallow, "Louis what if they tracked my phone?" my breath quickens in a single breath. "You said they couldn't do that right?"

"No." he says, "it's impossible."

"Okay." I rest myself against Harry as I take the phone away from my chest. "I wanna read it." unlocking my phone I see I have one new notification from an unknown number.

The room gets quiet and all I hear are our low breaths. Harry watches from over my shoulder.

Clicking the message my eyes scan over the words.

You can't hide forever

I try to hold off tears as Niall watches from above. "Not so bad," speaking in support he takes the phone from my hands to give to Louis. Harry holds me a little closer.

"Why was it sent to me?" I say holding off emotions. I curl myself into Harry. "They could have texted you."

He doesn't respond and when the phones back in my palms I see dots of a new message being typed. I whisper in panic. "Harry?" his eyes scan the phone.

"Give this to me-"

Its too late.

Ive already seen the message.

They all died because of you. I lost everything I had in that fire. Now I'm coming for you so your boyfriend will know how it feels.

I drop the phone as it falls to the floor. Gasping I stand up with tears in my eyes. I try to run but Harry pulls me back down on his lap. Sitting sideways I curl myself into a ball with my head in his chest as I let out silent tears.

I hear ruffling as Niall picks up the phone. No one speaks but I can feel anger coursing through his body.

"What does it say?" someone says. Harry holds me close. His body is holding me tightly as I can hear his heartbeat quicken.

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