There was no point in having bridesmaids when they had only invited their closest friends to the wedding anyway. Mostly everyone that would have came to the wedding would have been in the wedding.

They were all going to watch the ceremony from their seats besides Jisoo, who would be officiating. They'd also asked Soo-in last minute if she would be their flower girl once she warmed up to them too.

"Alright, one sappy group hug and a group shot and then we have to go." Jisoo said.

They gave Ella and Soo-in apple juice shots as they all raised their glass and went around the circle saying their own toast.

"I'm taking this shot so that Lisa doesn't faint when she sees Jennie." Moonbyul said, laughing towards Jisoo.

"You're never going to let me live that down are you?"

"Nope." Moonbyul said, taking her shot.

"I take this shot in hopes that, wait someone cover the girls' ears." Seulgi said hastily, Ryujin and Jisoo moved to do so.

"Anyway, I take this shot with the hope that in doing so you guys have the best sex of your life tonight." Seulgi smirked and took her shot.

"I take this with the hope that you guys finally have your happily ever after." Ryujin said sweetly.

"Im taking this shot just to take a shot." Jisoo joked, Lisa shoved her lightly on the shoulder and Jisoo uncharacteristically giggled.

"No, in all seriousness though Limario. There's no more blessings for me to give. You make my Jendeukie happy. She makes you happy and like my beautiful wise wife once said, this was fated to be. Alright, enough sappy shit." Jisoo said taking the shot as she noticed Lisa getting teary eyed.

Soo-in was normally very shy when it came to things like this. She might be a troublemaker but she wasn't good in a crowd. She didn't like the attention unless someone was angry at her because that stuff she could handle with by acting indifferent which she was very good at, but she wanted to say something.

"Um, I haven't known you guys for long but I hope you're all very happy because you guys made my very first best friend." Soo-in finished shyly downing her apple juice shot.

Ella squealed and hugged her, spilling her own.

"Your my best friend too!" Ella put her hands on both of Soo-in's cheeks and squished them. Then Ella noticed she dropped her apple juice.

"Oh no." She pouted.

Lisa giggled, moving to get her another one but Ryujin was already handing one to her. Winking.

"Thank you Unnie!" She smiled brightly at her then raised her little cup.

"This is for my mommies, who are finally going to be together like I've always wished for on my birthdays. I love you mama."

Lisa was grateful that Jisoo rushed to her to dab her eyes before her tears fell.

"Get it together Limario." Jisoo said gently.

They all eventually left to go sit but in Moonbyul's and Jisoo's case they went to get into their places for their duties in the wedding. Lisa was left alone with Ella. She was glad she had her next to her.


Lisa was busy shaking her hands out nervously.

"Yes babygirl?"

"I wanted to give you this." Ella held out a shoe box cutely wrapped in yellow kraft paper and a bow made out of rope.

"You've always been my Mama. Always." Ella said adamantly, making sure Lisa would understand before continuing. "But now that you're going to marry my mommy it means we're all going to be an official family now. So I asked my mommy if I could give you this because you didn't get to be there."

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