Start from the beginning

"I felt so free." She repeated shook her head, "I was away from my parents, my uncles, and the burden of being me." Erin closed her eyes.

Kai kept his eyes on her feeling pity though he knew that isn't what she wanted.

"I got away from all of the looks, the concern, i got away from the depressing aura at my house, i got away from my family." Erin spoke as her voice was fragile. She felt guilty.

"And now I'm back." She looked at Kai, locking eyes with him, "And I'm me again." She whispered.

The two walked in silence for a bit. None knew what to say.

Erin couldn't let anyone know what she felt, especially Daiji, and somehow, Kai was in the right place at the right time.

"I know it may not make sense right now." Kai spoke, "But you will realize someday, that all of those things made you, you."

Erin looked up at the boy, listening to his every word.

"Look around you Erin," Kai locked eyes with her, "All of the things you achieved are because of everything you went through."

"You took all of that pain and turned it into power." He sighed, "Instead of running from it, take it with you, and make it your own." Kai gave her a weak smile.

Erin's eyes widen as she looked at the boy standing next to her, who was actually no longer a boy, but a man.

Somehow he always managed to understand her despite them having different lives.

"Kai..." Erin mumbled, not knowing what to say.

Kai halted, saying nothing, only smiling, he quickly pulled her into a hug.

Erin's eyes widen even more as she fell stiff when she felt his arms around her.

Kai wasn't very intimate, but he did have his moments, but they never truly shared a moment like this.

Erin closed her eyes slowly wrapping her arms around him, saying nothing.

Kai rested his chin on her head as he felt his heart beat faster, he caressed her back feeling her slowly relax.

Erin held onto him tightly as she realized that he wasn't a goofy little boy and that he grew to understand her.

The moon shined above the two, the stars twinkled as the night was still young.

'Take it all with me...' Erin let out a deep breath, 'I should go see them.' She opened her eyes.

Kai slowly let her go, pulling away. Erin looked up at him with a small smile.

"I think i know what i need to do now." Erin mumbled as she looked into his eyes.

Kai's eyes widen at her soft smile, he returned a smile, "Go." He knew exactly where she was meant to go.

Erin let out a deep breath and slowly turned around, she continued to walk down the path they stood in.

Kai watched her back with a smile as he felt his heart warm from the moment they had shared.

Suddenly Erin halted. She turned around for a moment, still not being too far.

"Thank you." She whispered as she felt her eyes water, but no tears fell, since none should.

Kai was already looking at her, he saw as her green eyes shined from the reflection of the moon.

He simply smiled back at Erin, letting her know that he was there. No matter what.

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