Sangah will probably die except for those two, everyone in this cabin will die, including me. "No, I will not let it happen, we will change the course of the story, as long as we survived no one in my group of comrades will die, do you hear me?" I look back behind me and witnessed Alyona with a stern glare, the eyes that once held warmth were now gone, it seems as though the person I met on that very day was just her mask, A mask to wrap up her sadistic and cruel side, I feel so enthusiastic knowing this, why? I should be frightened, but no... I felt an invisible tug at my heart, quavering my excitement. "WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING?" The shout break my staring at Alyona and saw Mr.Han holding the boy's hand to stop it from hitting the old lady,  "YOU LITTLE BRAT! DIDN'T THEY TEACH YOU TO RESPECT YOUR ELDERS?!" He screamed once more to the enraged teenager.

Namwoon Kim was one of the earliest adopters to accept the world of TWSA. It was Namwoon Kim who drove a wedge into the crack and destroyed the sense of morality that had been binding society together. Everyone fell into madness and started abusing the old lady more, Others just stand and stare contemplating their moves. I suddenly recalled a line I read a long time ago 'Executioners pull the lever of the electric chair at the same time. They do so to conceal who killed the prisoner' It was as if I was reading that part of the novel. They were in a different world and I was just a spectator. All I could do was standby and watch. The nameless elderly woman became the first victim. If I carelessly meddle with the course of the story, there may be less of the original plot left for me to work with. But is it fair to stand by and watch her die? Just so I can live?

 "HUH?!" he yanked back his hands as he glared at Mr. Han "What the hell old man? do you wanna die too?" He asked once more as he turned to him his fiendish stare "W-what?" Mr. Han was shocked at this "Can't you see what's going on here? Over there. Don't you see that? " He pointed at a video playing. on the blue floating screen with people killing each other not only here but around the country too.

"Don't you get it? the army isn't going to save us. And someone has to die... We have to pick the ones who will die. I know exactly what you're thinking. You think we're above all that. How can we kill others just to survive like we're some animals? Normally, I would agree with you. But what about the situation we're in now? We have no choice. It's kill or be killed, Who can blame us when our own lives are on the line? Think wisely. The world we knew just ended, and in this new world we have new rules to follow" I gulped even though how much I hate this character, he is correct. Alyona stepped in and stared at the boy, "So, you're telling me we have to kill each other to survive? I wasn't informed that we need to specifically kill humans, I thought any living organism can be used?.." Namwoon stared at her momentarily and snarl at her. This caused Alyona to smirk and giggle. "Such a naive boy, you think you'd be a teenager forever do you?" She chuckled menacingly, her eyes full of mockery towards the boy. 

She kept the kid from his side snuggled in her stomach so he wouldn't witness the gore happening. "What the hell are you talking about?" He snarled once more at Alyona. He soon ignored the woman beside me and started kicking the older woman once more, the others joining in. "They're going to kill her!?" Sangah made an attempt to rescue the old woman but Alyona halt her movements, "If you meddle with them, you're the one who's gonna end up dead, don't be so rushed" She was too calm about this, I know that she sees this coming but her calmness says a lot. It's as if she's talking and acting out of experience "In a situation like this you should think before making a rush action that could potentially put yourself in danger" Her grip on Sangah was tight and bruising. I put my hand on top of her and caressed it, Signaling her that she was hurting the other lady, She glanced at me and sighed while letting go of Sangah and taking a step back.

"I know but-" Sangah tried to reason but the look on Alyona's eyes is stern, "stay here, Sangah, just this once, I won't bother you again." Alyona looked at me and nodded, "Just don't kill the boy, he's mine, I need him for future purposes" She said to me and cradled the boy to her chest whimpering in horror seeing all this gore. "I'll see what I can do" I just simply muttered, I can't promise that I'll save him, I hate that character. I closed my eyes and readied my stance to interfere. It's too early to interfere yet. This wasn't part of my plan. "...Dokja?" Sangah asked in hesitance on my next course of action. "he'll be alright he has a plan" Sangah sighed hearing that word. 

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