Chapter 5- Beginning of An Era

ابدأ من البداية

While the noise was dampened inside, it was still unbearably loud. Sandhu, noticing that PM Kanata wished to speak, pointed to a pair of headset comms above him and gestured the PM to put them on as he did the same.

"Forgive me, Mr. Sandhu, but what happened to our luggage?" PM Kanata asked.

"You didn't see it?" Mr. Sandhu asked in surprise. "The flight crew already put them in the baggage hold."

"Ah. I see." PM Kanata said.

"We're heading out to the sea where a private yacht is waiting for us. It belongs to a billionaire who was in India for business when the shift happened. For now, his vessel has rented by the Indian Government for the week." Mr. Sandhu informed. "Your security is already on board and our Marines are co-operating with them to ensure your safety during this voyage."

"Will it only be our ship?" A bureaucrat asked.

"No." Mr. Sandhu replied. "We'll be escorted by a task force from the Indian Navy's Western Fleet. You know, to make sure nothing untoward happens."

"We have fighter jets conducting CAPs as well." One of the Marine Commandos informed him.

"CAPs?" PM Kanata asked.

"Combat Air Patrols." Mr. Sandhu replied. "It's routine stuff they do."

The rest of the helicopter ride went in smooth silence as the Qua-Toyne Delegation were still marvelling at the fact they were flying, not in a wyvern, but in a man-made machine that was perhaps faster and could fly higher than wyverns. Some time later, an announcement was heard in the helicopter.

"This is your pilot. One minute to touchdown."

"Just a warning gentlemen." Mr. Sandhu started as the helicopter began lowering its altitude. "When we leave, make sure you duck and bend and then quickly walk off."

"Why is that?" PM Kanata asked.

"Rotors are sharp." One of the Marine Commandos replied. "It'll cut your head off clean. It's happened many times before." The delegation collectively paled at that.

"Unfortunately that's true." Mr. Sandhu added. "So please be careful."

"Why can't it fully stop then before we get out?" FM Rinsui asked.

"That's because they will be returning to their ship immediately after we're dropped off." Mr. Sandhu replied. "Switching the engine off and on is time consuming."

As the pilot said, the helicopter landed within the minute, and the Marines were the first to get out followed by the flight crew who worked with the ship crew to take out the delegation's luggage.

Once the delegation safely disembarked from the helicopter, the rotorcraft along with the two commandos lifted off the helideck and returned to its base ship. As for the delegation itself, they all stared in muted awe of the large ship they were now in.

"Gentlemen." Mr. Sandhu called, breaking them out of the stupor. "The crew will take you to your rooms. After you freshen up, we can take a tour of the yacht if you wish. We should arrive at the Bombay Naval Dockyards in about two days, preferably in the morning. Before we disperse, do you have any questions for me or the crew?"

"How is this ship moving?" FM Rinsui asked as he looked around. "I don't see any sails."

"An engine" Mr. Sandhu said. "The engine room is probably downstairs. Though will the crew allow us to see it is a different matter altogether."

"What technology..." PM Kanata said, transfixed.

"Anyway, rooms are this way." Mr. Sandhu gestured as everyone made their way inside.

Summoning India: Bhaarat Sammanحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن