The End Ball

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Tw: slurs

People started to gather and enter into the ballroom. Although I knew I could only hide from people for so long. I just hated to talk to these type of people. Just my luck being a Prince.

'Sighs dramatically'

'I wish guys would want to date me instead of girls'

"Oh Ranboo, My dear, My sugar lump, the love of my life!"

'Oh god, it's her isn't it.'

Sure enough it was, the young blonde girl grabbed my waist, she looked up at me with her dirt brown eyes

"What do you want Sev?" I said it in a rather aggressive manner. But, I can get way with it cause she isn't royal, so I don't have to be polite to her.

"Nothing sugar lump~"

"Sev please you already know I'm gay, so please stop acting like we're a couple."

"Oh alright, but can you at least help me hook up with a dude?" She let go of my waist and went over to the balcony to scout out the men entering the ballroom.

'As much as I hate it, she's like a weird cousin or something. And even though in public she acts like a slut or a lady, she's actually a tomboy and stronger than me and most of the guards.'

I walked over to join Sev at the balcony trying to avoid anyone seeing me up here.

"Hmm. Well, if you want a fling I'd go with Jason. You want a bad relationship go with John. Want a good relationship go with Wayne. Want a marriage  go with Aaron Snow."

"Huh, I guess I'll talk to all of them than, thanks and bye bye, sugar lump~" She ran off before I could say anything else.

'I wish she'd stop calling me sugar lump' I sighed heavily " Guess I should go down and talk to people."

I turned from the balcony and headed downstairs, and as I suspected when people saw me they flocked to me like starving pigeons finding a piece of bread, they either asked me to join a partnership or they wanted to dance with me. After I politely declined their offers they all started to leave and go enjoy the party and soon I was left alone.... again.

'I wish a dude would ask me to dance with them'

After a bit I decided to venture out to the gardens, hopeful that a guy would ask me to dance with them. The gardens were always beautiful and romantic. Maybe I'd met my soulmate and we'd dance under the moonlight and laugh. But, sadly all I saw were couples. Some couples were flirting, some dancing, and some were making  out. But no single men were out here.
After wondering around the gardens for a bit. I started to feel uncomfortable, people started to stare at me and whisper to each other. I decided to head to the off-limits section of the gardens. However on my way their, in the corner of my eye I saw someone. I turned to face them and that's when it all changed. There he was the boy of my dreams, the future love of my life. I guess I must've stopped and stared at him for awhile cause he stared to speak to me.

"What're you staring at? He asked me with a beautiful angelic voice, that occasionally crackled as he spoke "What did I make you swoon for me or something?"

"No, I just thought you looked pretty." I said and I realized I was blushing while I said it.

"You sure about that? You seem to be blushing abit." He had a cocky smile on his face.

"You must be used to people falling for you."

"Actually no, alot of people call me ugly and just cheat on me." His expression still had the same smile but his eyes had sadness in them.

"That's horrible and I for one have to disagree with them." His eyes widened at that


"Because you are very beautiful and lovely." I couldn't look him in the eyes he'd probably think I was a freak now. I decided to look up and when I did he had tears in his eyes."I'm so sorry I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable or upset you I'm so sorry, I'll leave."


I thought I'd heard him wrong, did he just ask me to stay?



"Oh, uh ok" I walked over to him and sat on the bench next to him. After what felt like an eternity he looked up at me, he wasn't crying anymore, which is good but now it was just silence. After a bit he stood up and held out his hand.

"You just gonna sit there or do you wanna dance with me?"

I smiled and took his hand

"You're a very cocky person to assume I wanted to dance."

"Isn't that why you were out here in the gardens?" He wrapped his arm around my back and held my hand gently.

"I could've just been admiring the gardens" I placed my hand on his shoulder.

"That's very unlikely for a handsome fellow like yourself" I blushed a little and we started to dance. He still had his stupid smile on his face, I think he was proud of himself.

And i think I fell for him....

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