"You're heavy Craig."

"Says you, now come on." I offered one of my hand to him and gripped the wall with the other. He reached up, and grabbed my hand. With quite a bit of strength I hauled him ontop with me.

We were both out of breath and I just sat there.

Why am I friends with this idiot?

"I've got the keys to his house! Let's go." Clyde said jumping down to the floor and walking to the front door tossing the key up and down.

Knowing Clyde I'm probably gonna end up staying the night here again. I hopped down the wall and followed Clyde to the front door as he unlocked it.

"His parents are gonna think we're robbers."

"We're cool robbers!"

"Whatever. You realize if Nicole is actually here we're could barg in on them like making out or something."

"So? He should want to hang with us instead, bros before hoes."

"You're an idiot and you're crazy." He unlocked the door and headed upstairs to Tokens room. I rolled my eyes and waited a few minutes before hearing Token yelling at Clyde. Then I heard an unexpected scream that was definitely not Token's voice. It was kinda high pitched but not a girl.

Who else is here?

I walked up to his room and Clyde stood in the doorway.

"Craig helped me!"

"Craig you helped him?"

"You know Clyde dude he was just gonna bug me about it." I said shoving Clyde out of the way and saw the mystery scream.

Some random blondie.

"Who the hell is that?"

"Dude it's Tweek."

"Yea, me and him were assigned for a project."

"You were actually busy??"

"I told you." Clyde and Token went back and forth but I wasn't really listening. Tweek. What kind of name is that? And how come Clyde and Token know who he is?

"U-Umm w-why are you staring??"

His voice was kinda raspy and his eyes darted between me and literally everything else.


"That's me yes."

Token and Clyde seemed to stop their bickering and looked at us.

"Craiggg? Earth to Craig! We know you like space but that doesn't mean you space out. Right?"

"Since when do you guys know who this is?"

"W-What?! I-I'm almost in a-all of your classes!"

"You are?"


"Weird..." Since when is this guy in my classes?

"You're the one being weird dude." Token said before turning back to Clyde and telling him to leave.

"Oh wait! Token your dating Nicole?! And you didn't tell us?!"

"You're dating Nicole?" Tweek asked next and Token sighed and nodded.

"Why do you care?"

"Nicole didn't tell me."

"You're Friends with Nicole?"

"I mean I guess...we talk in some of our c-classes but it's not like we go h-hang out or anything."

"Actually! You're always by yourself Tweek aren't you?"

"Uhh...yea? I don't really h-have any friends?"

"Damn Tweek."

"WE CAN BE YOUR FRIENDS!" Clyde shouted jumping over onto Tweek and hugging him. He was obviously suprised and startled and pushed Clyde off him.

"W-What we're you doing?! I-I thought I was g-gonna die!"

"You sure do stutter a lot huh?" I asked sitting down on one of the bean bags in Token's room. He just shrugged his shoulders and nodded.

Tweek is kinda weird.

"You're kinda weird dude."


"Oh don't worry you'll get used to it! Craig is just mad because he's so lonely and single!"

"Clyde you're not dating anyone either."

"Yea but Bebe is clearly meant to be mine."

"Both of you shut up." I said covering my head with my hat.

At least Clyde has actually liked someone.

Here I am, 16 years of my life alone. With absolutely no one.

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