"What do you want?" The young woman, Ly, asks Warren harshly.

"We need help." Garnett says, hoping to have a better chance of convincing her. He gestures to Murphy. "This is Murphy. He's the only known person to survive being bitten by a zombie. We're on a mission to take him to the CDC in California. We need someone with your abilities."

"So you want me to join you on a suicide mission?" Ly raises a brow once more, crossing her bare arms and shifting her weight to her left foot. "What's in it for me?"

"Company. You get out of this lonely little cabin. You get to travel."

"There's a lot more Z's to kill." Doc pipes up, knowing the woman.

"That's what I was waiting for." Ly points at Doc with her thumb. "You gotta learn to play to your audience, Garnett. But it's still gonna be a 'no' for me."

"Why?" Cassandra bravely asks and Ly smirks at her, making 10k's heart flutter.

"I don't get along with people. I'd rather hang out with the zombies."

"Please, Ly?" Doc desperately tries. "I need my best friend. Besides, we all know how shit of a doctor I am. We need a real medic."

"You're lucky I love you, Doc." Ly rolls her eyes with a sigh. "Let me pack my stuff. Make yourselves at home. Sinks somehow still work. Bathroom is through that door. Enjoy the hot water."

"You have running water?!" Murphy exclaims, he and the rest of the group looking at the woman in surprise.

"Didn't I just say that?" She rolls her eyes before going through another door, briefly showing a bedroom before slamming the door behind her.

"Dibs on the first shower." Murphy calls, starting for the door.

"Hold up." Garnett calls, holding a hand out to stop him. He looks over everyone before his eyes land on 10k. "Let the kid go first. No offense."

"None taken." Said male shrugs, racing for the door.

Each member of the group takes a turn showering, relaxing in the cozy living room once finished. Garnett, Warren, Murphy, Doc, Cassandra, and 10k all sit around, quietly talking amongst themselves as Addy and Mack shower together. A thud startles them and they all go quiet, turning around to see Ly in the dining room/kitchen area, rifling through her cabinets.

"Who's got room in their bags?" The blonde asks without turning to face the group.

"Depends on what you need stored." Warren replies.

"Food. I'm not about to leave any of my supplies behind for looters."

"We all have room." Doc says, standing up and walking over to Ly. "You tell us what to do and we'll make space."

Together, Doc and Ly empty the cabinets, stuffing the food and water into every available bag and pocket.

"How did you get this much?" Warren asks in awe over the amount of food and clean water.

"There's a river a couple miles out." Ly shrugs. "Fish fill the thing, but any animals still alive gotta drink somehow. With enough patience and skill, I had more than enough food. Turned most of it into jerky. There was also a small convenience store I came across a while back. Raided the whole thing, hence the sugary treats."

10k, Murphy, and Cassandra all have eyes as wide as saucers.

"Never thought I'd say it, but I'm glad we came and got you, Kid." Murphy chuckles in surprise.

"Don't call me that. Only Doc can." She snaps, navy blue eyes narrowing into a harsh glare.

Just then, Addy and Mack come out of the bathroom, a plume of steam following them.

"God, I can't remember the last time I had a shower, much less a hot one." Addy smiles, obviously more relaxed.

"Well don't get used to it." Ly rolls her eyes before turning back to Garnett and Warren. "You all ready to move out?"

"I'd say so." Garnett nods and everyone goes to pick their weapons and bags back up.

Ly picks up a long sheath, briefly pulling the hilt to reveal a shiny black blade. She nods to herself and pulls the strap over her head, securing the weapon on her back. She does the same with her large gun, a blue detailed AR-15. She picks up a black handgun, branch carvings decorating it along with blue highlights. She checks the clip before tucking it into the holster on her right hip. She grabs her final weapon, a shiny metallic dagger with a dangerous shaped blade. She holsters it on her left thigh before picking up her bag, slinging the strap over her shoulder so the bag rests by her right hip. With a final once-over of the cabin, the group leaves the shelter of the building.

They all subconsciously fall behind Ly, leaving her to lead them through the woods. After a while of walking, Ly stops and turns to face them.

"Do any of you realize that I've taken us in a circle five times?" She smirks at the looks of surprise and confusion on everyone's faces. "I don't know where you people are wanting to go. You can't rely on me to lead you somewhere I don't know."

"She's right. Come on." Garnett takes the lead, leaving Ly to fall to the back of the group to watch everyone's backs.

Soon enough they breach the treeline, revealing the smooth pavement, three vehicles parked just out of sight of anyone who would pass by. The group makes their way to their respective vehicles and Ly soundlessly rounds the smooth black matte truck, jumping into the bed. 10k carefully follows her, both of them dropping their bags by their feet. The vehicles start up and before she knows it, Ly is leaving her cozy cabin behind in exchange for a group of desperate survivors.

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