Standing shot

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Maven is an arse. I mean when is he not but he's been acting even more infuriating than normal. It was the first day back and I really couldn't go till lunch before Granger started screaming at me in a corridor like a banshee. "You bitch!" I turn around to look at her while Daphne was next to me. I groan loudly when I see who it was. "Granger what now?" "You were just so desperate for Maven that you manipulated him into being your date to the winter ball!" I smirk at her. "Are you sad he didn't care enough to invite you, because I was praying he would? I don't know if you've noticed this Granger but I don't like Maven, he and I have been at each other's throats since we were kids we even had a sword fight that night because he was acting like an arse. For the last time, you can keep him because Merin knows I don't want him and I never will." with that, I turn around. Many people were staring at me as I walked but I didn't make it far before she sent a curse my way. I was quick to cast a protego and she became even more infuriated. That's when I notice a mess of white hair and look at Maven. "Maven, can you fucking get her under control?" I yell, and he just grins at me. "No, I don't think I will she can make her own decisions." Of all the times this man decides to be a 'gentleman' he chooses now. I turn back to Granger and my eyes flash gold as she gets lifted off the ground and turned upside down. I turn to look at Maven. "I told you, now you get to serve. my detention." I then proceed to curse Granger. When I was done she was barely recognizable. I didn't spare anyone a glance as I walked away, I had let that girl get off one too many times with trying to mess with me.

Pansy started hanging out with our group more and more these days and I wasn't minding it. Sure she had a strong personality but who doesn't?  She was born into our world she just didn't get close enough to us as kids. She's quite smart and nice with a temper and a mouth. She was getting a lot closer to Draco too. She had been sitting and watching our Quidditch practices for weeks. It was our game against Hufflepuff today and I was sitting at the table with everyone eating a protein-filled breakfast. Soon we were standing in the locker room waiting for the game to start. "This game is against the puffs I expect a large victory. Remember bash some heads on the way to victory." We all let out a cheer before mounting our brooms. To say we won by a long shot would be an understatement. We had a record victory in this game and a large party was held that night. I got ready in a green dress with a slit going up my thigh. The dress was a tight fit to my lower thigh. I had black heels on with my hair curled. Daphne had the same look only with a dark maroon dress. The entire common room was filled with older years dancing to songs. It's like the party changed since last year, now there was alcohol on the tables a lot more people and a more party kind of music. "Queenie glad you decided to show up." "It's my party why wouldn't I?" I smirk. Marcus rolls his eyes. "Alright go enjoy the party we had to downplay it last year since you were a bit too young for this stuff then." I roll my eyes but take a look around. "Understandable." I state seeing Blaise snogging a girl in the back corner. A song called earned it by the weekend came on. He was a famous wizard singer and all his songs were very good. I drag Daphne to the dance floor and begin swaying my hips in time with the music. I lowly sing the song twirling Daphne as we dance before Matteo comes over and steals his girlfriend. I was alone 2 seconds before Anthony Gaunt comes up behind me. "Hello princess." He puts his hands on my hips turning me around. "Gaunt." I greet him with a smirk. "May I just say you look gorgeous, green suits you." "Oh I know I have a whole wall in my closet filled with green dresses." "My well, maybe you'll just have to wear them all so I can see." Another song called party monster by the same singer comes on and I begin swaying my hips again. I can feel Gaunt's eyes on me. Smirking I grab his hand. "You might as well dance with me rather than just stare." "Alright beautiful." He puts his hands on my waist and I put mine on his shoulders. We sway to the beat of the music and I don't even care that Anthony is here I only care about drowning in the music. That's when I feel someone's eyes on me. I scan the room and see Maven standing there staring at Gaunt as if he was going to kill him. I looked away opting to ignore the boy and turn back to Anthony whose eyes were staring at me. The song ends and I step away to get a drink because I was thirsty after 2 songs of full dancing. I grab a coke before someone's hand is on my arm forcefully. I turn and throw my drink no at them only to see the contents floating in midair. Only one person could do that. Maven. "What do you want?" I ask looking up at him. "Why were you dancing with Gaunt of all people?" "Why do you care?" I fire back. "Because he's not a good guy. Do your cousins know about this?" "So you can see granger, a muggle-born bitch, but I can't even entertain dancing with a pureblood Slytherin?" He glares at me silently. "Stay away from him." "Make me." I sneer ripping my arm from his grip and going toward Daphne for the time being. Maven sees this and for some reason, his tense form visibly relaxes. "What's wrong with him?" "He's got a stick up his arse as always." I groan sitting with her. "Are you sure nothing is going on? Blaise told me about the Yule Ball." My eyes widen. "What did that idiot say?" "He told me he saw you and Maven about to kiss, when were you going to tell me?" "We didn't almost snog Daphne I hate him. I always have so I have to now. It can't change that fast. Plus he's with Granger." "For the sole purpose of making you jealous perhaps? I mean you saw how nice he was with you at the ball. He wasn't rude one bit other than your normal banter but even then. Plus any one of us could tell you were anxious all night did you not notice him taking care of you?" "Taking care of me? Daphne, are you sure we were at the same party?" "Hush you. He gave you a glass of water, he distracted you all night from what I'm guessing was your father? Did something happen when you got home?" I nod wordlessly shame filling me. I knew they didn't pity me but I hate that they know it happens. "All I'm saying is he took care of you, Nyssa." I nod before another party song comes on. I go over to the drinks to get a butterbeer with a higher concentration of alcohol and down it. I was somewhere between drunk and sober. I see Gaunt and walk over taking his hand. "Wanna dance." "How could I say no?" I giggle and drag him to the dance floor where one dance by another great artist Drake was on. We dance and have a bit more fun as he twirls me and we continue to dance a bit more fast-paced. The song ends all too soon and suddenly I'm lifted off my feet and I feel my body freeze in a body bind curse. I undo it and hit Maven's back. "Let. Me. Fucking. Go. You. Arse!" I continue to punch his back with no reaction till we are outside in the cold dungeon. "What now Maven?" I groan. "I told you to stay away from him he's no good." "So is Granger but-," "Don't give me that shit." He grabs me and pushes me against the wall breathing heavily. I raise my eyebrow at his behavior. We had inches between our faces and both of us were glaring at each other. I could feel something in the air and sign it off as rage. It was tangible. "If I didn't know any better I'd say you're being overprotective but I do know better so whatever temper tantrum you're having right now because I'm not giving you attention needs to stop." With that, I shove him off me and leave him outside in the cold dungeons failing to notice the look that crossed his face.

Ever since we got back Care of magical creatures has been boring. We have the most annoying or boring creatures we actually spent two weeks taking care of a snail. I stand with Daphne and Pansy staring at my snail that I named Herman. "Disgusting creatures I could be studying for transfiguration." Pansy comments throwing a few leaves at her snail. I nod in agreement. "So Pansy how is my cousin treating you?" I ask. "Very well. He's quite a gentleman and on our date, to Hogsmead he paid for everything, gave me his coat, and pulled my chair in and out for me. He's such a sweetheart as well." I smile at the thought of my cousin doing this he would only do it if he really likes or cares about a person. "Well you both look wonderful together I look forward to your future." "Thank you Nisha it means a lot." I nod and flash her a smile before throwing a few more leaves at Herman.

It was already spring and no new news has come of my uncle. With our match fast approaching, I spent more time practicing a special move I'm saving for this match against the Gryffindors. This is the last year Marcus will play against them with us so he wants this match to be perfect and what my captain wants he gets. On the day everyone was on edge. Gryffindors disregarding the tables filled with teachers yell horrid comments at us. I ignore them along with everyone else just focusing on the match ahead. I teleport myself and the team to the lockers using shadow magic. "This is my last game against the Griffindorks. I want a record win. I want to show them who the better team is. I want us to win by bashing their heads!" We all cheer and mount up flying out. Getting into our positions. I look to my right and smirk at Draco and Maven then to my left at Matteo. They smirk back. We were going to win this match. They never stood a chance. The second the quaffle is in the air I dive full speed tucking the red ball under my arm I speed to the houpe making an easy first goal. "Pendragon to Flint back to Pendragon and score!" I elbow Bell not letting the quaffle even make it to our side of the field. That's when Angelina pulls my hair hard making me halt on my broom. Madam Hooch blows the whistle calling a foul. "No hair pulling Johnson!" I make the shot easily and a few seconds later a bludger hits her scoring arm rendering her absolutely useless. Marcus throws me the quaffle and I bolt for the houpes. Bell who looks very confident heads straight for me. We were on a crash course and before we do I stood on my broom my knees bent as I continue at the same speed. She aims for my legs and just as she's about to hit I flip over her landing on my broom and making a clear shot. The entire stadium went nuts as everyone begins screaming. The whole Gryffindor team looks at me in astonishment and lee begins screaming. "NISHA PENDRAGON HAS JUST DONE THE IMPOSSIBLE! SHE STOOD ON HER BROOM AND FLIPPED OVER A CHASER ALL WHILE GOING THE SAME SPEED! SHE HAS JUST MADE QUIDDITCH HISTORY!" Marcus got in an easy shot from everyone being distracted and the game continues. I stand on my broom again as it was so easy to maneuver the broom and jump over people. "Malfoy and Potter have spotted the snitch!" I ignore everything as I play harder making a shot and diving to get the ball pitching it to Marcus and grabbing it again giving it to Graham. "Malfoy caught the snitch! Slytherin wins!" I screamed in delight dropping the quaffle and booking it to Draco jumping off my broom and jumping on my cousin. He wrapped his arms around me to make sure a didn't fall and hugged me back. "I'm so proud of you Dragon. The family will be so pleased!" "Thanks, Nyx," he whispers before letting me down only for the rest of the team to bunch in a group hug. Matteo turns to the Gryffindors before we leave and yells, "Guess we know who has the better players your loss will always be inevitable!" I roll my eyes and grab Matteo dragging him with us as he holds his middle finger to the Gryffindors.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 10, 2023 ⏰

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