End of year

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Soon enough I was standing at platform 9 3/4 holding my mother's hand as we walk through the crowd. People part many whispering this that we pay no attention to. I was taught to let people say whatever they want they were beneath me and I had no need to pay them any mind. I was a bloody princess while they were the average students. The year I was born had broken the whole wizarding world. Articles came out about the descendants of Merlin and Morgana being born only months apart. Whole fashion shows were held in my honor and Missus Zabini made a whole runway piece in my name. I was the firstborn girl in my family and was codled by everyone. Narcissa and missus Zabini almost had a falling out over me that is joked about till this day, while I was showered with presents from my uncle Lucious and even Uncle riddle, aka Voldemort. Maven was celebrated too although he didn't get his own fashion era as a baby. The news about Draco and Matteo was treated just as well as news about Maven as they are some of the most sought-after young bachelors in history. Even now they think they can hide it but many girls throw themselves at them always trying to flirt with them. Most of the time I loudly make a comment on these girls and they will scamper away. It's not like Draco and Matteo are any better. Once a boy walked over to ask a question about the homework and Matteo grabbed him and tossed him out of the class. Matteo had a bad boy rep being the son of Voldemort but that didn't stop him from being desired. Daphne and Blaise being born to a high society wife and a Gorgeous and wealthy model both had their own runway affairs as well as Daphne being given her own perfume and makeup line before she was even a month old. We were all born royals and we loved it. After giving my parents a hug and promising to write I got onto the train and held my head high as I walked through the train finding Daphne in an empty compartment. "Daphne Greengrass my, my are you looking good." She was wearing a light blue knee-length dress with white stockings and boots. "Nisha Singh Faye Pendragon nice of you to finally show up." I roll my eyes and take a seat next to her. "I would have thought the boys would be here by now." "They were before potter walked by and they decided to go terrorize him and Wesley." "What bout Granger?" "Left her for us. Apparently, I'm to make her subcourse about looks and you are to make her feel stupid." "I'm sorry but it sounds to me that the boys called me ugly." She chuckles a bit. "What should we do to get them back for it?" "Lock them out?" "Sounds nice we can have one train ride not filled with testosterone and quidditch." I scoff. "I'm going to let that go because your my best friend but don't ever bing quidditch down again." She rolls her eyes at me but nods. Then we hear a knock on the glass of the compartment. Surprise surprise it's all the boys. "I'm not letting you in." "why not?" Maven asks. His voice is muffled. "Maybe because Daphnes is good for her looks but the only thing I'm good for is my brain?" Blaise Draco and Matteo knew they were in deep shit but Maven just smirks. "I honestly don't think your goof for either I was just trying to be nice." "Well take your 'nice' arse somewhere else." I flick my wrist and a cover covers the glass so they couldn't see in. Then Daphne begins speaking, "Oh did I tell you about my trip to Rome?"

At the feast later that night I was effectively ignoring everyone besides Daphne. "Nyssa, please we didn't mean it like it came out." Blaise was whining. "Well, it came out," I mutter. Truth be told I wasn't really mad I just wanted to be petty. Draco then pushes a plate of sugar-covered strawberries my way and gives the side of my head a kiss. The little blond shit was very good at making me not mad at him. I take a deep breath and smiled at Draco. "I forgive you." He smiles widely and smirks with his head held high. Blaise and Matteo just glare at him. "Nyssa, please forgive me, ill do anything!" "Anything?" I question with a smirk. He nods. "Alright, I want you to place Maven's bed in the great lake tonight," I whisper in his ear. "Tell Matteo, he owes me too." Blaise nods reluctantly and continues eating his meal while I still have a smirk on my face.

The next morning I wake up with a smile on my face. After getting dressed in my uniform I walk downstairs and take a seat by the fire next to Blaise. "Is it done?" I ask not looking at him. "It's done," I smirk and glance at Blaise. "You're forgiven." "NISHA!" I look towards the portrait hole and there I saw an angry soaked to the bone Maven. His clothes were dripping with water leaving a trail as he stormed up to me. His white hair that is normally fluffy is now spiky and is going every which way on his head. I burst out laughing but everyone in the common room stop what they were doing to watch. He stops in front of me grabbing my arm and pulling me to my feet. "You bitch." He seethes still holding my upper arm rather forcefully. He was glaring at me full force while I just smirk up at him. "Did you fall into the lake? My, my Maven you should know by now to watch where you step." "I could have died." "And that would mean I wouldn't have to deal with you." I retort rolling my eyes. If he was looking for sympathy then he was looking in the wrong place. His grip tightens on my arm but I don't let my poker face waiver. Glaring he huffs and storms away to his dorm but not before yelling, "Watch your back, Faye."

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