The plan

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"They can't do this!" I exclaim in outrage as I pace around the common room fire. All my friends plus Maven sitting on the couches. "They can't just close down the school because some bloody muggle-borns decided to be stupid enough to get petrified." Daphne continues from where she was sitting. "You both are being so bloody dramatic, even if by some far chance the school closes down, there are still other bloody great schools."  I glare at Blaise making him shut up. "Bloody great schools for you lot, maybe, my only other option is Beouxbatons. They don't allow Quidditch, you can't curse, you have to be proper all the time! It's a bloody nightmare, while you lot get to go to Durmstrang where there is Quidditch and actual proper classes other than makeup charm class!" I rant pacing even more. Maven chuckles smirking up at me from where he was sitting. "Don't even get there Maven I will take your precious Beaters bat and break your skull with it." I glare at him. After he almost killed me in that Quidditch match I think he believes that we're even because things went back to how they normally were with us as well. He rolls his eyes at me. "Too bad saint Pottah can't break more rules and 'save the day again," Draco comments with a scowl on his face. That's when my face lights up. "What if he can?" They all stare at me like I was mad. "Alright, what's your crazy idea this time?" Blaise questions leaning back in his seat. "And how would you know I have a plan?" I questioned raising an eyebrow. "Because you have the same look on your face when you planned that whole prank for Maven's sixth birthday party." Everyone except Maven bursts out laughing at the memory. "Piss off." He grumbles his arms crossed. "All right fair point. Now my plan is that we feed Potter and his friends the information he needs to save the school. All of this started with the beast in the Chamber of Secrets, so what if we get rid of the problem in this situation? Or at least get Potter to for us so I don't have to suffer through a prissy no Quidditch school." "It's honestly not that bad." Daphne scoffs. I roll my eyes ignoring her. "You're talking about killing a however-year-old Basilisk to save the school all because you can't stand a few months without Quidditch?" "First off Matteo put yourself in my shoes. I bet you won't be too keen on giving up Quidditch yourself. Secondly, I'm a Slytherin, I don't do anything if it doesn't benefit me." I tell him with a smirk on my face. "How exactly are you going to tell potter all the information?" Maven asks. "By acting like it's been there the whole time."

"You really want to see Miss. Granger because you're concerned?" Madam Pomfrey asks eyeing Draco and me quite skeptically. "Yes madam," I replied attempting to look as innocent as possible. She hesitantly moves aside allowing us to walk forwards and towards where granger was lying. "She looks so pathetic," I comment seeing her petrified form. Her face looks like she pissed herself out of fear and one of her hands was clenched closed. "Perfect," I comment seeing where I was going to put the scrunched-up page about Basilisks. I unclench her and put the paper in it and make her fingers close around it. I made sure some of it was peaking out. "Are we done yet?" Draco whines tapping his foot with a pout on his face. I roll my eyes and grab him by the arm dragging him out of the hospital wing turning right just as Potter and Weasley turn and start making their way down the corridor. Weasley glares at me more than Draco while Potter glares at Draco more than me. I just continue walking acting as if they were an inconvenience to me and I wasn't wrong. "Let's hope they're not too daft that they don't notice it." Draco comments. "I wouldn't put it past them they are boys after all." I roll my eyes stopping when I get smacked upside the head by Draco. "Ow!" I whine glaring at him. "That's what you get." He grumbles. "Watch how hard you hit that hand gel head!" I tease dodging his next attempted hit. I chuckle running forwards a bit as he chases after me. "Draco when did you get so slow?" I taunt as I run faster. He just pushed himself to catch up to me. While I look back to see how far he was I round the corner only to crash into Maven and Blaise. "What the,-" Maven says just as I do and we both fall to the ground. I don't waste any time, getting up and running behind Blaise just as Draco rounds the corner. "Blaise protect me!" I cry shoving him towards Draco. "Wow thanks, Nyssa, just feed me to the wolves." "Would you rather me die?" "We both know the gel-headed blond bitch wouldn't kill you." "But he'll definitely kill you, Blaise," Draco comments glaring at Blaise. "You messed up," I tell him as they both high tail it down the corridor. "What did you say to Draco?" "Roughly the same thing as Blaise," I respond as Maven stands a wipes non-existent dirt off his robes. I start walking towards the dungeons as he follows. Once I was in I see Daphne sitting by Theo doing some homework. "Scram Theo," I say taking a seat next to Daphne as the boy picks up his shit giving Daphne a quick kiss before leaving. "Daphne how on earth am I to trust that man to protect you when he can't even stand up to me about sitting with you?" Daphne rolls her eyes while continuing to write a potions essay. "Your a princess, Nyssa, no one would dare stand up to you." "It would still be nice if your boyfriend tried." "I'm sorry but did you make him go away just to criticize him or did you actually want something?" I pout leaning on Daphne. "I can't want to spend time with my best friend?" She rolls her eyes at me before her poker face cracks and she smiles. "I bloody hate you." "You bloody love me." I correct a smile on my face. I cast a quick Accio spell and parchment and quills come my way. "You also reminded me I still need to write my potions essay." 

My Beautiful queenOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora