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"Nisha, are you all packed?" My father asks at breakfast. "Yes father, my trunks are by the door." He nods and continues eating his meal. My mother walks into the room and gives my head a kiss and then gives my father one. Taking a seat at the head of the table she begins eating my food. "How were your Hogwarts years?" I question. "Oh some of the best of my life, it's also where your father and I met." I smile and nod. "The Slytherin common room is quite beautiful. Although the great hall is a close second." My father adds. "I can't wait to see the common room!" I giddily state smiling proudly.

Walking on the platform the big train comes into view. I was dressed in a black dress with ankle-high boots. It seemed as though my family and I were overdressed as many of the other kids were wearing jumpers. I didn't mind tho. Missus Zabini always told me 'it's better to be the best-dressed person in a room than the worst.' People stare at me and my parents get closer to the train. I get near the train, my trunk and Storm-Breaker behind me as I stop by the door and turn to say goodbye to my parents. My mother pulls me into a tight hug and she squeezes the life out of me but I'm doing the same to her. "Make sure you write and study hard you're a brilliant witch and I'm so proud of you. I love you so much, little one." She gives me a long kiss on my head. Then I turn to my father and give him a hug. "Get good grades to make the family proud and make your mark on the family legacy." I nod and he kisses my cheek. "Bye, mother, father, I love you!" I step on the train and walk down the corridors with my head high as students stared as I walked by. I find an empty compartment and take a seat awaiting the arrival of my friends.
It didn't take long before the compartment door opened and all of them walked in taking their seats. I sit the farthest away from Maven not wanting him to ruin my happy mood. The conversation throughout the train ride consisted of classes, quidditch, and fashion. When the trolly lady came and we all paid for a lot of food, the topic of houses was brought up. We all replied Slytherin. "Really you'd strike me as a Hufflepuff with how giddy you've been lately. Plus the overall weakness-" "And this is why you are never going to be second-guessed with Ravenclaw, I mean just look at the sheer stupidness you portray on a day-to-day basis." He glares and huffs. Then whispers something to Matteo. I didn't pay it much mine as I went to talk about how to decorate our rooms with Daphne. But when Matteo offered me an every flavor bean packet and dared me to eat 5 and not spit it out I was a bit hesitant at first but the smirk on Mavens face and him 'quietly' saying, "Hufflepuff," made me take the challenge and oh what a mistake it was all of them tasted like one thing. Vomit. It took every ounce of mental will to not mix my own vomit in the taste of it. After swallowing it with my watering eyes I made my eyes flash gold and in a second Maven was in a body bind curse being held against a wall by an invisible force. Everyone stares at me as I glare at him. I swear this boy was going to give me wrinkles before I turn 16. "I despise you." I sneer and make the vomit flavored 'every flavor bean' packet get stuffed in his mouth. His eyes soon flashed gold and he was out of my curse and sticking his head out the window spitting the beans out. "Hufflepuff." I mock and walk out grabbing my robes to change.

The train began to slow down and finally came to a stop. Smiling I jump from my seat dragging whoever was near me with me and that just happened to be Draco. I shove him out of the train making him stumble as I just jumped down and looked around. "I'm starting to think you enjoy hurting me." He whines dusting his robes as if he fell. "Oh hush Draco." I tease putting my arm through his and leading us to a very large man with a messy beard. "Ello firs years this way. Inter the boats. Watch yer step." He instructs gesturing to the boats floating in the lake. Draco gets in first and helps me in. After I was safely seated he takes a seat beside me. I peer down at the butch black lake running my hand through the water. "Careful or you might just tip-in." The taunting voice of Maven chimes. "Careful now you wouldn't be getting soft with me are you Maven? We are just before the sorting best be careful how you act lest you get sorted into Hufflepuff." His face turns into a glare. "Atta boy now that's the smirk of a Slytherin." I tease from my boat to his which was steadily sailing parallel to mine. But before he could do anything his attention is captured by something. Looking up I see the first glimpse of the beautiful school, Hogwarts. My jaw drops in awe and I just stare taking in the mass of the castle. We got closer and many exited whispers spread throughout the first years. My attention nor line of sight ever wavered from the castle at least not until we docked. When we did Draco got out first and offered me his hand. "Couldn't get out yourself?" Maven taunts. "It's called being a gentleman but of course, you wouldn't know anything about that." He just rolls his eyes at me and continues walking. The large oak doors open on their own for us and many gasps travel through the crowd as we walk in. The ceilings were raised, and to the right, there were a set of stairs leading to the great hall I presume, and an old-looking within a green set of robes. "Welcome to Hogwarts. Now I'm few moments you will pass through these doors to your classmates, but before you may do that you must be sorted into your houses. They are Griffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin. Now while you are here your house will be like your family. Your triumphs will earn you points, any rule-breaking and you will lose points. At the end of the year, the house with the most points is awarded the house cup." Suddenly a boy near the front yells "Trevor!" And runs forward picking up a frog. How pleasant. He mumbles a quick sorry and quickly moved back into the group. "Sorting ceremony will begin momentarily." As we wait I stand by Daphne towards the side. A moment later and she nudges my side nodding to Draco and Matteo who were trying to befriend Harry Potter. I almost laughed at the irony of it. Matteo's father killed Harry's parents and yet here they are. As we walk closer I hear the last of their conversation. "I think I can tell the right sort for myself, thanks." Draco who had his hand stretched out and a smirk on his face dropped both scoffing and walking away. Then a kid in our year screamed out, "Oh my Merlin! That's Nisha Pendragon she's Morgana's descendant." Suddenly all eyes were on me and I was getting crowded around. All of them stared at me amazed and asked me questions. "Merlin's descendant is here too!" Another kid says as half of them swarm Maven who had his chest puffed out like he went down in history and discovered the things Merlin did. I roll my eyes as the Professor comes back. "We're ready for you now." The big doors open and it's like the moment was in slow motion. Walking in I took in everything. The four big tables, the head table, the floating candles, the enchanted ceiling, and the whispers. As I walk down the path to the front where a brown stool and hat wait, eyes follow me. Narcissa's lessons on how to be a real lady float into my head. I keep my shoulders back head up. "That's Morgana's descendant." "She's beautiful." "She's powerful." "I bet she's as evil as her father." "I bet she's stupid its all just fame." "Princess Nisha who would have thought." I tune them out as I gather at the front with my fellow first-years. The Professor was holding a piece of parchment and instructed that when our names were called we were to sit on the stool and get sorted. She began calling names with I ignored until she got to a familiar one. "Maven Emrys." Maven wore a confident smirk on his face while he strutted up to the stool taking a seat. The hat was dropped onto his head and moments later the hat yelled out, "Slytherin!" The Slytherin table burst into cheers boasting about getting the future king of the wizarding world. I rolled my eyes at the reaction fully believing he was the least deserving of it. A few more names then Daphne was called. She walked forwards with her head high and took a seat smoothing down her skirt when she had. The hat was placed on her head and again it yelled, "Slytherin!" I clapped for her as she took a seat at the table. Many more names and it's Draco's turn. When he sat and the hat was lowered it had barely touched his gel-infested head before screaming, "Slytherin!" I clapped for my cousin as he sat by maven smiling proudly and greeting some older year students near him. The next name I recognized was, "Harry Potter." Many people started whispering a bit as the hat was placed on his head. The seconds ticked by painfully long as I fairly hear him begin muttering to the hat. After the agonizingly long wait, the hat yelled, "Gryffindor!" I bet Draco and Matteo are going to hate him even more now. "Nisha Singh, Faye, Pendragon." My turn. I kept my head up and allowed a smirk to befall on my face as I faced the great hall all eyes on me as the entire place went dead silent. The hat was placed on my head and it easily covered my eyes. "The future Queen. My, you have much ambition and a craving for power. You will be the best of them." A voice said in my head. "Slytherin!" It yelled out vocally this time and the hat was lifted from my head, the vision of the hall returning. I stood from the stool many whispers running through the hall as the Slytherin's clapped and cheered. One yelled, "We got the king and queen!" Which made me chuckle a bit as I slid into the seat by Daphne and across from the two boys that were already sorted. "Matteo Riddle." He had a smiler reaction to Draco as the hat hardly touched his head before yelling out, "Slytherin!" I clap alongside my house as my cousin takes a seat on the other side of Maven. The last person was Blaise and he was the last name called. "Blaise Zabini." Blaise always had a lazy smile or smirk on his face and that's exactly what he had on as he takes a seat. His body language showed he couldn't care less and was confident. Moments later the hat yelled and he joined us. After that Dumbledore stood up. He was quite old with a long white beard and circular glasses. "Welcome! Welcome to a new year at Hogwarts! Before we begin our banquet, I would like to say a few words. And here they are Nitwit! Blubber! Oddment! Tweak! Thank you!" He sat back down as many years clapped. I knew that Dumbledore was quite a powerful wizard so I decided to clap as well even though I didn't understand the purpose of the words. The table in front of us was magically filled with food. Everyone began piling their plates with food. "I can't wait to see our dorms! Mother sent me with many ideas on how to decorate." Daphne tells me as we eat our food. "I'm going to leave the decorating to you. Merlin knows you'll kill me if I get involved." I mutter the last part to myself as I cut a piece of chicken and eat it. "Nyssa, Draco is trying to kill me!" I look at Blaise who was on my other side. "What did you do?" "Why do you assume I did something?" "Because the blond prat only says that if you did something." "I may have called him out on his excessive use of gel." I burst out laughing making everyone near us stare at me. "Oh, Blaise I love you." He smiles. "As you should now save me!" I look over at Draco who was lowly whispering to Maven while glaring at Blaise. "Draco, leave Blaise alone we don't kill people that only speak the truth." "Yet you we're about to kill me when I said the hat might confuse you as a Hufflepuff." Maven mutters. "Well you were wrong weren't you, so I'd say my actions were justified." "Me being wrong is yet to be determined." "You don't switch houses once your sorted." "There's a first time for everything." He chimes pointing his fork at me while he smirks. I roll my eyes. "You're right there is a first time for everything, such as a Merlin descendant being utterly stupid." His nostrils flare at me. I just smirk whilst raising a brow. "Like Morgana's descendant being powerless." I roll my eyes. "Oh please I'm far from powerless, if I were then I wouldn't be able to do magic without a wand now could I?" "Again that's yet to be determined." I do a flicking motion with my fingers towards maven and 5 grapes line up in a row and shoot at him hitting him on the forehead. He rolls his eyes and goes back to eating. "I'm sorry can we go back to the part where you agreed with Blaise about my hair?" "No I'd rather not Draco." I say amused as I take a sip from my goblet.

The food soon disappeared and a fifth year stood up near the end of the table. "First years follow me." We all proceeded to get up and walk out of the hall and down many steps to what looked to be the dungeons. We stopped in front of a portrait. "The password is pure blood. You are not to share this with any other house or have other houses in here. Welcome." The portrait opens and shows us a very large room. The whole place had a green glow to it as the back wall was completely glass and seemed to be underwater, showing the Great Lake. Bookshelves lined the walls to the right as many tables and chairs are spread throughout the room. In front of the fire to the left were large leather, black couches. It seemed to be a nice hang out area. "Let's go see our dorm!" Daphne excitedly squeals as she grabs my arm and drags me dow towards our dorms. Daphne and I shared a dorm together per our mothers requests as they didn't want us to have to put up with people we may not like. The room was spacious with two Queen beds on opposite sides of the room. There was a large bathroom that we would both be sharing and two closets on our respective sides of the room. All furniture including bed, closet, desk and chair were all black while the floor was brown wood and the walls were a beautiful dark green. We had large windows that brought in a lot of light and made the room feel open and cozy. We each had mirrors on the wall above our desks as well as a full length one on either side of our closet. "It's gorgeous." I observe as I walk further in. Daphne squeals and rushes to her side throwing open her trunk to set her closet. I decided to do the same putting the many outfits I had brought along with shoes in the spacious area. I also took my books out keeping them on my desk while hanging my book bag on my chair for easy access. After I change into a silk shirt and pants that were gold coloured and climb into the bed that had silver duvet with white sheets. "Goodnight Daphne." "Goodnight Nyssa!" I close my eyes with a lazy smile on my face as I couldn't wait for my first day at Hogwarts.

My Beautiful queenTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon