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Yule was coming up fast and I got more and more excited to go home. There is normally a big ball hosted by one of the high society noblewomen like, Aunt Narcissa, Missus Zabini, Missus Greengrass, Missus Emrys, and my Mother. This year it was Missus Emrys hosting at her castle. "Mum is taking both of us to go dress shopping to find the most exclusive dresses for this year's ball. The theme is winter crystals and its dress code is, black tie as well as ballgowns only." Daphne tells me, reading her owl. "That's great Daph," I respond. "Will Blaise's mum also be joining us?" "Of course, she will shes there to make us look like the high-class royals we are." Daphne has always been a major fashionista and very dramatic about it, although I loved her for it as she always kept me dressed to impress when Missus Zabini wasn't looking. "Looks like we have a fun weekend ahead of us." "that we do."

The train ride back home felt longer than the one coming here. Eating sweets and talking with Daphne and Blaise about fashion was how it was spent. Finally arriving at platform 9 3/4 I wasted no time exiting the train. Daphne and I were dressed in black skirts, while I wore a green sweater with gold jewelry, she wore a white one with silver jewelry. Searching the crowd, it wasn't hard to spot my parents as most heads were turned in their direction. I saw Maven's family standing by mine and my mother bickering with Mister Emrys. As I got closer they stopped and my mother smiles brightly opening her arms which I gladly ran into. "I missed you little one." She whispered in my ear squeezing me tight with her eyes closed. "I did too, mother." She let me go and takes a long look at me. Smiling she pulls me back into a hug. I relaxed into it and for a second it was like I was back at the pitch flying. I was at peace. I then turned to my father and hugged him. "I need to talk to you about something when we arrive home, Nisha." I already knew what was going to happen but kept my expression neutral, and any reaction I could have had gone unnoticed. "King and Lady Emrys." I greet doing a curtsy.They both smile down at me. "Wonderful to see you princess, Nisha." Missus Emrys r2esponds bowing her head out of respect. "likewise, my lady." "I trust Hogwarts is going well?" Mister Emrys asks. "Quite well, thank you." My mother then cuts in. "I believe we should be leaving." I curtsy to Maven's parents while he bows to mine. We then turn to each other and reluctantly do the same. "Prince." "Princess." And with that, I grab my mother's arm aperating home. Once we were home I went to my room to unpack some of my trunk and let Storm-breaker out of his cage to go hunt and fly around. A Patronus of a Black Mamba snake appears in front of me and the voice of my father rings throughout my room. "Nisha come to my office at once." Sighing I begin making my way down the steps and stand in front of the familiar doors to my father's study. I knock once and he tells me to enter. Closing the door he casts a Silencio so no one would hear what's to come. His back was turned to me with his hands resting on his desk. "How is it that a half-blood got into Quidditch before you? Is this how you repay your mother and I's decision to allow you to fly? I told you to make a name for our legacy and you pull this crap!" He began to yell and had turned around. I flinch at his words. "I'm sorry father but he was favored and Dumbledor was biased,-" "I don't want excuses!" He yells. A piece of his neatly combed hair falls onto his face casting a shadow. I was standing with my shoulders slumped and my head down refraining from crying. I was sweating from anxiety and slowly look up to meet his eyes. "What a pathetic excuse for a flyer, this ought to teach you a lesson." He sneered before raising his hand and saying, "Crusio." An unbearable pain shoots through my body. Searing hot pain burned my skin as if someone was pouring lava on me as well as sticking needles in my skin. My head felt as though it would explode. I screamed in pure agony. Please merlin just make it stop! I wished over and over until he finally lifted the spell leaving me on my hands and knees with tears streaming down my face as I heave large breaths in. I could still feel the tingling sensation of the spell and began to hyperventilate. "Get out of here." My father orders turning and going to sit back down on his desk. I shakily got to my feet and walked out of the room with my back straight to refrain from more punishment. Once the door closed behind me I practically ran to my room almost falling many times in the process due to my soar legs. Once I made it I closed my door, locking it in the process, and sank down the door sobbing. I always hated crying, it made me feel weak. But I am weak, aren't I? The spell affects me this much. I'm weak because I'm not enough. I'm not enough to please my father, it's all my fault. This always happens because of me. I need to be better. Not be a disgrace and get disowned like Uncle Serius. I sobbed even hard trying to stop my hands from shaking. Another sign of weakness. "I'm weak, a disgrace." I whisper to myself hugging my knees to my chest and rocking back and forth. I try to stop the endless tears streaming from my eyes. My head felt lightheaded from how hard I was crying, and I hated it. "Stop crying!" I scream at myself sobbing even harder. "Fucking stop." I whimper before and after pain shocks through my body. I begin to crawl forwards getting up before collapsing on my bed knowing what was to come next. Another afterpain exploded through me making my skin buzz as if I was just electrocuted the pain soon moved inside me too my organs before hitting my brain. I let out one last scream before everything faded to black.

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